            Infantry Division Shoulder PatchAdenago B. PereaCoastal Artillery

December 22, 1920 to June 20, 2015

45th Infantry Division and Other Unidentified Units

1942 & 1943

August 5 Enlists.

PFC Perea
may have been trained as an Anti Aircraft Artilleryman and assigned to an AAA unit. In the above photo he is wearing the collar disk of the Coastal Artillery which is also the collar disk of AAA units

PFC Perea initially on coastal defense duty the San Diego area including watching for attacks from Japanese balloons.


As the Allies defeated the Nazi air force, the need for AAA units decreased.

All members of AAA units had received basic training which included the same basic training as a combat infantryman.

Members of AAA units were being transferred to combat infantry units.

March 18 Leave U.S.

March 28: Arrives
Casablanca, Morocco.

After March 28: Assigned to the 45th ID in Italy during the Rome-Arno Campaign.

August 15 to September 14: Southern France Campaign with Assault Landing.


September 14
: serves in the Rhineland Campaign.

Undated after September 14: Bullet wound to "phalanges of index finger"; "non-battle injury"; and "in the line of duty".  

November: Released from the hospital:

Assigned to an unknown unit for the rest of the war


VE Day May 8: in the Munich area. (The 474th Fighter Group was in France at the time.)

Unknown date: Transferred to the 474th Fighter Group, 428th Fighter Squadron, Ninth Air Force to be discharged.

November 26: Leaves Europe

December 4: Arrives in the U.S.

December 12: Discharged from Fort Bliss, Texas

Rest of his life:

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<< The 45th Infantry Division in World War II: An Unofficial Guide to Resources
All material not in the public domain © 2020 Leonard H. Cizewski and the Perea family

Last Major Update: June 3, 2020
Corrections or Minor Revisions: January 9, 2022
Posted: March 24, 2020
Last Reviewed:

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