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by Mark Towfiq
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Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand
Pages 15-20

(10) August 12th, 1926
My very dear Spiritual Sister:

Shoghi Effendi has been in receipt of your interesting letter dated June 7, 1926. It is a great pity that your health has more or less handicapped you in your service to the Cause. We, however, hope that this weakness will soon vanish and your health and strength be fully restored.


The case of the teacher who has been in Palestine is one really to be lamented. All such persons instead of procuring their information from the very source, when they are so near to it, they go to the Missionaries who are undoubtedly biased. They are immediately told that the Cause is nothing more than a sect of Islam; a Movement that may do immense good to the Muhammadan world, but far from ranking with Christianity or satisfying its needs. Then they refer this ignorant and innocent person to books such as Brown's. It is their fault for having gone to the wrong source for proper information, but once they have gone it is not their mistake to have been misled. We have heard of many such instances and there is absolutely no remedy except to leave them until they find the truth for themselves. We can only pray for their guidance.


Shoghi Effendi always prays for you as well as the other Auckland friends, so that through your combined efforts the Cause may prosper there, and obtain a strong position in the life of the people. I am not the least familiar with the social conditions there, but I am sure there is a ready field for active service.


Yours in His Name,


Ruhi Afnan


[From the Guardian:]


My dear fellow-worker:


I rejoice to learn that your dear sons are realizing gradually the significance of this unique and mighty Cause, and my constant and fervent prayer is that you may witness erelong the fruition of their slow yet sure spiritual evolution. Persevere in your labours for I entertain and cherish the brightest hopes for the future awakening of promising New-Zealand. I shall ever remember the memorable visit of the first New-Zealand believers to the Holy Land. Please assure them of my undying affection.


Your true brother,

