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by Mark Towfiq
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Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand
Pages 58-59

(44) January 7th, 1935

Dear Bahá'í Sister,


The Guardian has duly received your beautiful message of 2nd of December, and he wishes me to thank you for it, as well as for the enclosed copy of the Auckland Assembly's circular letter which he has delivered to the spiritual assembly of Haifa for their perusal.


He also wishes me to ask you to kindly inform Mrs Blundell of the receipt of the twenty five copies of the Maori pamphlet which she had lately mailed to him. These, together with those she had sent previously, have all been placed in his own library, and a few copies have also been placed in the Mansion of Bahá'u'lláh at Bahjí for the information of the general public.


In closing the Guardian wishes me to renew to you the expressions of his abiding and genuine appreciation of your labours for the Cause in Auckland, and particularly in connection with your duties as secretary of the local assembly. He is praying from the very depths of his heart for your progress and success in this important field of Bahá'í service.


With heartiest greetings to you and all the friends.


Yours in His Service,


H. Rabbani


[From the Guardian:]


Dearly beloved co-worker:


I wish to assure you of my deepest appreciation of your constant and manifold services to the Faith, and particularly of the share you have had in consolidating its administrative institutions in both Australia and New Zealand, whether local or national. My prayers will continue to be offered from the bottom of my heart for you and for your dear co-workers. Persevere and never feel disheartened.


Your true brother,

