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by Mark Towfiq
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Healing by Nonmaterial Means
Pages 107-108

Healing by Nonmaterial Means

He teaches that there are also many methods of healing without material means. There is a "contagion of health," as well as a contagion of disease, although the former is very slow and has a small effect, while the latter is often violent and rapid in its action.


Much more powerful effects result from the patient's own mental states, and "suggestion" may play an important part in determining these states. Fear, anger, worry, et cetera, are very prejudicial to health, while hope, love, joy, et cetera, are correspondingly beneficial.


Thus Bahá'u'lláh says: --


Verily the most necessary thing is contentment under all circumstances; by this one is preserved from morbid conditions and lassitude. Yield not to grief and sorrow: they cause the greatest misery. Jealousy consumeth the body and anger doth burn the liver: avoid these two as you would a lion. -- Tablet to a Physician.

And `Abdu'l-Bahá says: -- "Joy gives us wings. In times of joy our strength is more vital, our intellect keener. ... But when sadness visits us our strength leaves us."


Of another form of mental healing `Abdu'l-Bahá writes that it results: --


from the entire concentration of the mind of a strong person upon a sick person, when the latter expects with all his concentrated faith that a cure will be effected from the spiritual power of the strong person, to such an extent that there will be a cordial connection between the strong person and the invalid. The strong person makes every effort to cure the sick patient, and the sick patient is then sure of receiving a cure. From the effect of these mental impressions an excitement of the nerves is produced, and this impression and this excitement of the nerves will become the cause of the recovery of the sick person. -- Some Answered Questions, p. 294.

All these methods of healing, however, are limited in their effects, and may fail to effect a cure in severe maladies.