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by Mark Towfiq
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Index of this Work
Printable Version
The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh
Pages 29-30

"23: O DWELLERS IN THE CITY OF LOVE! Mortal blasts have beset the everlasting candle,..."

O DWELLERS IN THE CITY OF LOVE! Mortal blasts have beset the everlasting candle, and the beauty of the celestial Youth is veiled in the darkness of dust. The chief of the monarchs of love is wronged by the people of tyranny and the dove of holiness lies prisoned in the talons of owls. The dwellers in the pavilion of glory and the celestial concourse bewail and lament, while ye repose in the realm of negligence, and esteem yourselves as of the true friends. How vain are your imaginings!