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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 190-191

Letter of 19 April 1953

Dear Bahá'í Brother:


Owing to the fact that telegrams and cables going out from here are frequently garbled in transmission and the meaning is not clear, I am mailing to you at the instruction of our beloved Guardian, his Message to the German Bahá'í Convention.


Please cable him immediately this Message reaches your hands, so that he will know that you have received it in time for the Convention. It is really a cable which is being mailed to you, in order to prevent errors.


The Guardian hopes the German and Austrian friends will have a wonderful Convention this year, as preparation for the great work that lies ahead of them, and assures your Body of his prayers for the success of the Convention and the manifold activities of the German believers....