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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 193-196

Letter of 10 June 1953

Dear Bahá'í Friends:


Our Beloved Guardian has been greatly encouraged by reports reaching him from all parts of the Bahá'í World; of the victories already gained, and the plans being laid for the prosecution of the Ten Year Crusade.


They have evoked his awe-inspiring, and soul-stirring cablegram of May 28th, calling for the immediate settlement of all the 131 virgin areas of the Plan, just as quickly as possible. He is convinced, that the Friends will arise and translate their enthusiasm into Action, because the Keynote of the Crusade must be Action, Action, Action.


The Beloved Guardian has directed me to write your Assembly to amplify some of the aspects of his dynamic message.


The settlement of these virgin areas is of such an emergency nature, that he feels pioneering in one of them takes precedence over every other type of Bahá'í service-- whether it be in the teaching or administrative fields of the Faith.


In America some 150 people have volunteered for pioneer service, and some of them already are preparing to leave for their posts. The Guardian has informed the American National Assembly, that because of their being the Chief Executor of the Divine Plan of `Abdu'l-Bahá for teaching throughout the world, their pioneers may be sent to any virgin area in the world, regardless to which NSA it may be assigned. If any of their pioneers wish to pioneer in any of the areas assigned to your Assembly, they will communicate with you.


There are some general observations which the Guardian shares with you, and then some specific suggestions which are enumerated below. 1. Every individual who offers to pioneer, should be encouraged and assisted in every way possible by the National Assembly. 2. Every application for pioneering must be expedited, and not allowed to drag in any way, either in the handling by the NSA or any Committee working out the details for the NSA. 3. The National Assembly must make the settlement of their virgin areas, the first order of their business. In other words nothing is more important at this time, than settlement of the 131 virgin areas. 4. More than two pioneers should not be sent to any one place; except of course, unless they are members of one family. In fact, what is wanted is to settle each area with Bahá'ís, and therefore, 1 Bahá'í will fulfill the initial task.


The specific suggestions which the Guardian makes, are:


A1. Areas close at hand easy of settlement should be filled first. Then the areas more difficult, and finally, those which will be difficult.


B2. Whenever a pioneer enters a new territory, a cable should be sent at once to the Beloved Guardian, giving the name, place, and any pertinent information.


C3. A report should be sent each month by your Assembly to the Secretary-General of the International Bahá'í Council, giving the progress of your teaching work in new areas of the Plan, particularly the virgin areas assigned to your NSA. This does not mean your assembly should correspond with the International Council concerning administrative matters in connection with the Plan, but that only reports of progress should be sent them. Administrative matters, etc., should be handled by your Assembly directly with the Guardian.


D4. The Guardian feels the following areas should be easily settled, and he would appreciate your arranging to send pioneers there at the earliest possible date:


Frisian Islands.


Greece--(this is very important, because it is the last national community in Europe without Bahá'ís).




After these are settled, others more difficult should be considered.


The beloved Guardian wishes the German Bahá'ís, likewise to assist more actively in the spread of the Faith in Austria. There should be additional Bahá'í Centers in Austria, and he hopes the German Bahá'ís will be most helpful in accomplishing this.


The Bahá'ís of Germany and Austria have a very great responsibility in connection with the development of the Ten Year Crusade. `Abdu'l-Bahá himself visited your countries. He spoke often and lovingly of the German Friends. Their countries are the heart of Europe, and the heart must be strong and vigorous. Now then, is the time for the Believers to achieve the blessings the Master promised them, by "scattering", and continuously settling new areas. The Guardian will await with keen anticipation reports of your activities in the all important teaching field.


As his dramatic cable indicates, the Guardian will have prepared, an illuminated "Roll of Honor", on which will be inscribed the names of the "Knights of Bahá'u'lláh", who first enter these 131 virgin areas. This "Roll of Honor" will be placed inside the entrance door of the Inner Sanctuary of the Tomb of Bahá'u'lláh.


From time to time, the Guardian will announce to the Bahá'í World, the names of those Holy Souls who arise under the conditions outlined in his message, and settle these areas, and conquer them for the Cause of God.


Now is the time for the Bahá'ís of the World to demonstrate the spiritual vitality of the Faith, and to arise as one soul to spread the Glory of the Lord, over the face of the Earth. The Guardian is sure, that the Bahá'ís of Germany and Austria who have served and sacrificed so long for the Faith, will continue their glorious record by winning many new victories for the Glory of the Lord.


The Guardian will pray fervently for the Bahá'ís of Germany and Austria, and for the success of their efforts.


He will pray for the members of the Assembly, whose sacrificial efforts he will cherish for all time....