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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 206-207

Letter of 26 November 1953

Dear Bahá'í Friend:


Your loving letter of November 9th reached me on my return from a short visit in Switzerland and France.


I did have the pleasure of meeting the Lehnes in Zurich, and was more than delighted to have this contact with two of the sincere and self-sacrificing German Bahá'ís, who are now winning so many victories for the Faith.


I spoke to our beloved Guardian with regard to the Frisian Islands. He said that regardless of the fact that a number of the islands are Dutch and others German, that the administrative work in all the Frisian Islands should be under the German N.S.A., as assigned in the outline of the Ten-Year Crusade. The Guardian stated that he had likewise informed the American N.S.A. to this effect.


The beloved Guardian is very happy over the reports that are being received of the progress of the Ten-Year Crusade. All but one of the countries, outside of the iron curtain, have now been settled or assigned to pioneers. The total number of areas which have been settled under the Ten-Year Crusade, during this period of a little over 6 months since its launching, now totals 71. It is surely remarkable, and one of the great victories of the Faith.


The Guardian sends his loving greetings to you. He prays for your guidance and confirmation....