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by Mark Towfiq
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The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 207-210

Letter of 14 February 1954

Dear Bahá'í Brother:


Your comprehensive letter of February 5th, replacing your letter of February 3rd; also your letter of February 7th, dealing with the question of site for the Bahá'í Temple in Frankfurt, has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge them on his behalf.


The Guardian was very much impressed with the clear and concise outline of the investigations which you have made, giving him the best possible opportunity to understand the situation fully.


The beloved Guardian feels that site "C", Steinbacher-Hohe, appears to be the most suitable for the Bahá'í Temple and future developments. He feels therefore that your Assembly should immediately arrange for the prompt purchase of some of the land.


While it would be desirable of course to buy an extensive piece of property, the finances of the German National Assembly, and the financial obligations all over the Bahá'í world, make it impossible to buy a large piece at this time; and therefore he feels you should purchase approximately 10,000 square meters, which it is his understanding would cost approximately $10,000. Should there be available more than the $8,000. in the bank to your Assembly, the Guardian would see no serious objection to purchasing a little additional land, so that the entire expense would not be over $12,000.


It is noted in your communication you state you have $8,000. in the bank in Zurich; but that pledges made at Stockholm bring the total amount up to about $12,000. At the Guardian's direction, I am endeavoring to correlate all contributions and funds, so we may know the total amount available.


In order to help clarify this matter, will you please send me a statement of the funds which are available in Zurich, and in Germany, if any, giving a list of the contributions which have been received. If there have been a number of small contributions, the Guardian does not require that information, but simply information as to how much money was contributed at Stockholm, for instance, how much has been received from large donors, how much from the friends in Germany itself, etc.


At the same time, I am writing out to other areas, to see if any money is being held for the account of your Assembly for the purchase of land, in any other areas.


The important thing now is to procure the land. The Guardian states it is not necessary for you to refer back to him any specific details regarding the land; inasmuch as it has now been decided to purchase land in Steinbacher-Hohe. He leaves it to your Assembly to pick out the best piece of land in the area for the Temple itself. Later on, when financial conditions in Germany, and in the Faith generally, are better, consideration can be given to additional land for Temple accessories, etc.


The Guardian states it is satisfactory to secure designs etc. from architects, both Bahá'í and non-Baha'i, from Germany and also from other countries. In other words, you are free to handle this matter actively, submitting designs to the Guardian as they are received by you. The Guardian of course wishes the Bahá'í architects to have an opportunity to submit their views concerning this sacred edifice.


In connection with your question of how you should proceed, if it is suitable to ask for designs by architects outside of Germany; this of course is left for you to handle in your own way. Of course it is suitable for you to correspond with the Spiritual Assemblies in the countries involved, asking them to be of assistance in this important matter.


The Guardian is very hopeful that you may be able to conclude the purchase of the land, by the middle of April. It will be a great victory for the Faith, if it can be accomplished within the first year of the Ten-Year Crusade.


The Guardian assures you of his prayers in your behalf, that every obstacle may be removed from your path, and your actions be both guided and confirmed....


P.S. In your letter of February 3rd; the maps attached; and your letter of February 7th, you refer to Steinbacher Hohe as No. C. while in your letter of February 5th, you refer to it as No. B. So that all documents may have the same reference, I have changed your letter of February 5th, to show Steinbacher Hohe, as No. C.; and Forsthausstrasse as No. B.