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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 230-231

Letter of 29 March 1955

Dear Bahá'í Friends:


On April 21st we will enter the last year of the second phase of the Ten Year Crusade. As you know, one of the objectives of this second phase is the rapid multiplication of Assemblies, Groups and Centres throughout the world.


During the past year, a great deal has been accomplished by the friends in their efforts to disperse from the large centres of population in order to build up the goal cities and establish new centres. However we have not accomplished a great deal in the way of increasing the number of Bahá'ís, nor the number of Spiritual Assemblies.


The beloved Guardian sincerely hopes you will make it a point of major study and consideration on the part of your Assembly, so that the entire Community may lend itself to the accomplishment of this great goal during the coming year. Foundations must be laid for many more Assemblies. The friends must disperse from the large centres of population. Our teaching work must become so sanctified and penetrating that many, many souls will be confirmed. The friends should go forward on this great task in a very determined manner in order to establish as many new Assemblies during the coming year as are possible.


In letters which have come to the beloved Guardian, he has noted the friends feel there is no need to establish new Assemblies until 1963.


The Ten Year Crusade ends in 1963; but as many of the goals should be won as quickly as is possible. It should certainly be clear to all of the friends that we cannot hold off on winning the various goals of our tasks until the last year of the Crusade. They should be won just as quickly as possible. Furthermore, there are many tasks of the Crusade which the Guardian is not launching until preliminary goals have been won. For instance, it would be impossible to establish National Assemblies in all of the areas proposed until there are more Bahá'ís, more Groups and more Assemblies in those countries.


On the home front, further tasks are dependent upon the winning of victories now. The Guardian hopes the keynote of the teaching work on the home front during the current year will be the dispersion of the friends on an unprecedented scale, and the winning of as many Assemblies as is possible....