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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 32-33

Letter of 8 April 1927

Dear Bahá'í brothers and sisters,


The beloved Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, thanks you for your good Naw-Rúz letter to him, dated 1 Bahá 84.


He is very pleased that you have good hopes for the future and he will pray at the Holy Shrines for you, that you may be abundantly blessed--and that you may be enabled to draw many souls to the light of these Divine Teachings.


He is very interested to hear of your plan to build a wooden house on your new piece of land, to be a home for the young and the aged--and also that is to be used as a home for poor children, to give them a change and rest during the summer. It will be a very good and excellent work to build this house--and Shoghi Effendi hopes that you will have great success with it, and that you will find it of the utmost use and benefit for those who are poor in the world's goods....


[From the Guardian:]

My dear co-workers:

Your sweet and touching message of loyalty and love has greatly cheered and encouraged me. I rejoice to learn of your steadfast love and devotion to our beloved Cause. I am greatly heartened by the thought of your constancy in service and your splendid achievements. I am deeply thankful for your aid and assistance in safeguarding and promoting the interests of the Cause. I will continue to pray for you, one and all, from the depths of my heart, that the Beloved may deepen your understanding, broaden your vision, remove obstacles from your way, and enable you to become the purest mirrors reflecting the beauty and radiance of the Divine Revelation.

Your true brother,

