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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Page 282

Letter of 5 December 1956

Dear Bahá'í Sister:


The Beloved Guardian has directed me to write you concerning some copies of the prints which Mr. Rocholl has made of the Temple Design for Frankfurt.


He would like to secure 15 copies of the photo sent by Mr. Rocholl, which shows the Temple in White lines, and the background black.


The Temple itself, should be no larger than the Shrine in the Colored pictures of the Shrine of the Báb. Thus the measurement of the pictures to be sent are 21 cm by 13 cm. There need be little space below or over the Temple, but let the black run out to the edges, on both sides.


Do I make clear what the Guardian wants? If you will show Mr. Rocholl a picture of the Shrine of the Báb colored, as printed in America for sale, and which appears in the frontispiece of Vol. 9 of the Bahá'í World, he can have the pictures made accordingly.


The pictures should be black and white, glossy, and on as light paper as possible. By light I mean, in weight.


Please cable me on receipt if this is clear, and if Mr. Rocholl can provide the 15 copies at an early date....