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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 282-284

Letter of 1 January 1957

Mrs. Anna Grossmann:


Your loving letter of December 16th was duly received, and its contents presented to the Beloved Guardian.


Needless to say, he is very disturbed with the recent developments with regard to the Temple land and building. This matter has gone along for a long period of time, and he feels it is now reaching the point where it reflects on the Faith. He feels very definitely that if there should be a failure in connection with the Temple to be built in Frankfurt, it would be a great set back to the Faith, not only in Germany, but in all Europe.


The Guardian suggests your Assembly read carefully, the many statements and letters to the American National Assembly, as to the importance of the Temple, and its construction. He even says it will be the most important teacher of the Faith, and with its completion, a new spiritual movement will take place in America. Whatever the Master has said with regard to the Temple in America, applies with equal force to Germany. Surely we cannot allow the negative influences at work in Frankfurt and Germany, in connection with our Temple project, to stop our forward progress.


The Guardian would like your Assembly to consider the project of the Temple land, and the construction of the building, as its most important task, and give it precedence over all other problems.


So far as the question of Environs of Frankfurt is concerned, he will allow you to determine what constitutes the Environs of Frankfurt. If you feel Offenbach, which is a separate city, is the environs of Frankfurt, he will approve the construction there. If the hills of Taunus constitute the environs, he will approve that location.


If the objection of the city of Frankfurt to the Temple model, is due to its size, why not reduce the size. The important thing now is not the size of the building, but the fact of the building.


Therefore the Guardian will approve reduction in the size, so as to permit construction now, and in Frankfurt, or its environs.


The Guardian will pray for the guidance of your Assembly in working out this important project; that it may be settled promptly, and that soon we may rejoice, with the work of the Temple proceeding....