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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 294-295

Letter of 19 April 1957

Dear Bahá'í Sister:


When His Excellency Mr. Ollenhauer was in Israel, in accordance with the suggestion of your Assembly, effort was made to contact him, and invite him to visit the Shrine and Gardens on Mt. Carmel.


Unfortunately actual contact was not made. Mr. Ioas spent a day in Jerusalem trying to meet him, but he was so tied up with Government Officials it was impossible. Mr. Ioas, however, left a note for him, in his hotel, welcoming him to Israel, and inviting him to visit Haifa, and our Shrines and Gardens. We gave him also, the Greetings of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Germany, whose headquarters are in Frankfurt.


Attached is letter received from one of his party presumably his Secretary, thanking us for the Greeting, and saying he had seen the Shrine and Gardens in company with the Mayor of Haifa, when he was in the City.


The Beloved Guardian thought you would wish to have his letter, and know of the action taken here to effect a meeting....


You may retain his letter in your files.