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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 45-46

Letter of 3 May 1933

Dear Bahá'í Brothers and Sisters:


The Guardian wishes me to thank you for your kind words of April 23, 1933, expressing the greetings of the season.


He is deeply gratified to learn that when the friends assemble at such gatherings, and remember the occasion they are celebrating, they renew their determination to serve and ask God to shower upon them His infinite blessings and help them in the realization of their noble aim.


The more society is threatened by wars, and the more humanity is seen desperate before the problems that confront it, the more should the Bahá'ís take courage and redouble their energy in diffusing the teachings. For it is only through such divine precepts that the world can obtain peace and tranquility, and become an environment within which man can spiritually progress and attain his noble destiny.


In his moments of prayer at the Blessed Shrines the Guardian will think of you all and ask God to guide and aid you in the service of His Faith. May through the light that emerges from your gatherings all the people of those regions receive the light of God and find their way towards eternal salvation....


[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved guide your steps, cheer your hearts, enable you to promote far and wide the interests of our beloved Faith and aid you to consolidate its rising institutions,

Your true and affectionate brother,

