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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 71-73

Letter of 7 May 1935

Dear Bahá'í co-workers,


The Guardian has just received your warm and encouraging message of the 28th of April last, and has been deeply moved by the kind greetings and good wishes you have extended to him on the occasion of the holding of your thirteenth annual Bahá'í Convention in Stuttgart. He wishes me to reciprocate the sentiments you have been moved to express to him, and to assure each and all of you of his abiding appreciation and gratitude for the remarkable unity, efficiency and zeal with which you are fostering and safeguarding the manifold and vital interests of our beloved Faith throughout Germany and Austria. He feels confident that your mighty and sustained exertions will, even as a magnet, draw upon you the blessings and guidance of the Almighty, and thus pave the way for the wider penetration and firmer establishment of the Cause in your country.


The Guardian has been greatly impressed by the unusually wide attendance at this year's national Convention. His hope is that this active and close collaboration among the believers in Germany and Austria will continue to manifest itself in all your local as well as national Bahá'í activities throughout the coming year. He is entreating Bahá'u'lláh, that His confirmations may keep, strengthen and inspire you in the fulfilment of your most urgent and sacred mission.


With the renewed expression of his heartfelt appreciations and thanks, and with his cordial and most loving greetings to you all...


[From the Guardian:]

Dearest co-workers:

Your impressive and most welcome message has revealed afresh the potency of the irresistible power of our Faith as manifested in the renewed activities, the solidarity, the consciousness and determination of the assembled representatives of the German believers. This year's convention marks a turning point in the history of the Cause in your land. It eloquently testifies to the tenacity of your faith, to your grasp of its distinguishing features and essential principles, to your firm resolve to lay an unassailable basis for the rising institutions, to your capacity to weather the fiercest storms and overcome the most formidable obstacles, to your worthiness to rank as the standard-bearers of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh in the continent of Europe. May signal victories crown your high endeavours.
