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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 81-82

Letter of 10 May 1936

Dear Dr. Mühlschlegel,


Your letter dated May 1st with the enclosed message from the Annual Convention of the German friends have all duly arrived and been read with deepest interest and satisfaction by our beloved Guardian.


He is indeed pleased to learn of the results of your national elections, and wishes me to ask you to kindly convey to the members of the new N.S.A. his hearty congratulations, as well as the assurance of his fervent supplications on their behalf at the Holy Shrines.


The Guardian very much regrets, however, that the Convention has not been quite representative of the centers in Germany, and particularly deplores the fact that the Vienna community has been unable to send any delegate to the meeting. He feels the necessity of urging you to bring this matter before the N.S.A. at its next session, in order that they may strongly recommend all the local communities having an assembly to send every year at least one representative to the Convention. The Convention meeting is indeed a very important gathering, and the friends should be strongly impressed with its importance and significance. With some effort and sacrifice it is always possible for the delegates to be present at the Convention-sessions....


[From the Guardian:]

My very dear co-worker:

I am so glad to receive such a splendid message from the Convention. To you, no doubt, must, in a very great measure, be attributed the success that has been achieved. The days of your pilgrimage will long be remembered, and I trust and pray that both you and your dear wife will as a result be assisted to lend a fresh impetus to the onward march of the Cause in Germany. Upon you rests a high responsibility, and I am sure you will rise to the height of the occasion.


