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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 84-85

Letter of 10 September 1936 (Summer School)

Beloved Bahá'í Friends,


Our dear friend Miss Köstlin has kindly transmitted to the Guardian the beautiful message which you have addressed to him on the occasion of the holding of the fifth German Bahá'í Summer School at Esslingen, and I wish to hasten in thanking you on his behalf for the expressions of loving devotion and the assurances of loyalty which you have been moved in conveying to him. He profoundly values the warm sentiments you have expressed, and fully reciprocates your greetings and good wishes.


What has particularly rejoiced and cheered his heart is the realisation that the Esslingen Summer School is steadily developing and is speedily attaining the character of an international meeting place for all Bahá'í residents as well as travellers throughout Europe. The success that has attended your school this year, as evidenced by both the wide range and number of the attendants, is truly encouraging and augurs well for the future of that institution which, we have every reason to hope, is destined to develop into a leading Bahá'í University throughout the West.


The Guardian's hope is that the German N.S.A. will, as in the last few years, continue extending to that school the moral as well as the financial assistance which it needs for its further expansion, and for a still wider and more effective penetration of its influence in every Bahá'í center throughout Europe.


He also hopes, and indeed would urge each and every one of the believers in Germany to extend full and continued support to the N.S.A. in its highly-meritorious efforts for the extension and development of the Summer School at Esslingen. He is confident that through such a close and whole-hearted collaboration between the individual believers and the N.S.A. that school will succeed in gradually fulfilling its unique and truly noble mission, both with regard to Germany and to Europe as a whole.


With the loving greetings and best wishes of the Guardian to you all,...


[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued friends:

I am thrilled by the tone and character of the joint message you sent me. The splendid achievements that have signalized the proceedings of this year's summer school are a source of abiding inspiration to me in my work, and will as a powerful magnet attract future blessings upon the great and noble work which its organizers are labouring to promote. I will continue to pray for you and for your work in such a promising field and for so meritorious a purpose.

Gratefully and affectionately,

