The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 94-96

Letter of 21 May 1938

Dear Frau Mühlschlegel,


Many thanks from the Guardian for your very kind letter of the 11th ins. just received, and also for the revised manuscript of the German translation of the "Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh" you have sent under separate cover. He indeed appreciates Dr. Mühlschlegel's painstaking efforts in revising the text, and wishes you to assure him that he will pray that a way may be soon opened for its publication.


As regards the German "Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era", it would certainly rejoice your heart to know that in a letter recently received from the American N.S.A. they have suggested to defray the cost of purchasing the types, and of arranging for its publication in Switzerland. The Guardian wrote them in reply approving of their suggestion, and urged them to take immediately the necessary steps, and also informed them of his offer to contribute thirty pounds towards the printing cost. He will send the sum directly to the N.S.A., as soon as he receives word from them that the necessary negotiations have been completed.


Regarding the confiscation of Bahá'í literature and archives in Germany; the Guardian in a recent letter to Mr. Greeven advised him again to continue his negotiations with the authorities, but also stressed the absolute necessity of avoiding the exercise of too much pressure on them. The situation is exceedingly delicate, and nothing short of Divine help and guidance can indeed enable the friends to obtain even this minimum of their demands from the Government.


In closing please convey the Guardian's loving appreciation and thanks to dear Frau Vautier for the word of greetings she so kindly appended to your letter. Also kindly convey to Dr. Mühlschlegel and the friends in Stuttgart his warmest and affectionate greetings....


[From the Guardian:]

Wishing you and your dear and distinguished husband, the utmost success in your unceasing and noble endeavours for the promotion and protection of the Faith in these days of stress and trial, and assuring you of my abiding and loving gratitude.

Your true brother, Shoghi