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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
The Light of Divine Guidance [First of Two Volumes]
Pages 105-106

Letter of 4 May 1946

Dear Bahá'í Friends:


Your letter of March 17th (the copy of which Mr. Eichenauer also forwarded) has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.


He is very anxious for the young Bahá'ís, everywhere, to deepen their knowledge of the teachings, of Bahá'í administration and laws, and to live an exemplary Bahá'í life in order to prepare themselves for their work in the Cause as teachers and administrators. They are the ones who will toil in the glorious and difficult days that lie ahead, and they must now fit themselves to be worthy of their future high responsibilities and duties.


He assures you all he will pray for your services, your progress and development, in the Holy Shrines, and he cherishes great hopes for your future....


[From the Guardian:]

Dear co-workers:

My heart rejoiced and my soul was refreshed at the receipt of your most welcome message, signed by so great a number of ardent and youthful co-workers in a land so rich in promise, so blessed by our Beloved, and so severely tried by the vicissitudes of war. You are, I assure you, often in my thoughts and prayers, and I cherish the brightest hopes for your future work. You are, I feel confident, destined to achieve memorable victories, both in your native land and on the continent of Europe, and you should diligently and unitedly prepare yourselves for this glorious task. Persevere, redouble your efforts, and rest assured that the Beloved will bless and sustain you always.

Your true brother,

