
"The True Seeker must, before all else, cleanse his heart..."


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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Pages 96-97

"O thou who art turning unto the Kingdom of God!..."

O thou who art turning unto the Kingdom of God!


Verily I am acquainted with the contents of the letter which thou hast addressed to ............ the servant of God, and I find its significance excellent, proclaiming the Truth about which there can be no doubt or uncertainty.


Now the day has arrived in which the edifice of God, the divine sanctuary, the spiritual temple, shall be erected in America! I entreat God to assist the confirmed believers in accomplishing this great service and with entire zeal to rear this mighty structure which shall be renowned throughout the world. The support of God will be with those believers in that district that they may be successful in their undertaking, for the Cause is great and great; because this is the first Mashrak-el-Azcar in that country and from it the praise of God shall ascend to the Kingdom of Mystery and the tumult of His exaltation and greetings from the whole world shall be heard!


Whosoever arises for the service of this building shall be assisted with a great power from His Supreme Kingdom and upon him spiritual and heavenly blessings shall descend, which shall fill his heart with wonderful consolation and enlighten his eyes by beholding the glorious and eternal God!


Give my greetings and salutations to thy honorable husband and say to him from me: Notice the sign which shall soon appear in those regions and then your searching heart shall be assured. Verily thy Lord is the Powerful!~