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by Mark Towfiq
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Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Page 250

"O thou who art desirous of the Kingdom of God!..."

O thou who art desirous of the Kingdom of God!


Thy letter was the cause of happiness and its contents were the proof of thy turning to the Shining Beauty. In this blessed period, when the light of the endless bounties is illuminating the dark world, some souls, like the butterfly, circled round the Divine Lamp and with perfect yearning sacrificed their lives.


I ask of God that thou mayest be one of those souls, so that the rays of knowledge will shine forth from thy face to those regions and will be the cause of guiding the seekers of Reality.


Though thou wert obliged to leave Baltimore, I hope that thou wilt be the cause of guidance in Washington (D.C.). Receive proofs and evidence from Mirza Abul Fazl [1] so that thou wilt be armed with convincing proofs and sufficient argument to break down the ranks of denial, pride and ignorance.



1. [Abul Fazl--a renowned Bahá'í teacher who visited America during 1902-1904]