
"The True Seeker must, before all else, cleanse his heart..."


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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Pages 275-276

"O thou who art kindled by the Fire of Guidance which..."

O thou who art kindled by the Fire of Guidance which blazed and burnt in the Tree of Sinai!


By the life of God, I am moved with joy by the mention of the beloved and delighted in the love of the elect! And now, with a heart clear from aught else save God and overflowing with the love of God, I mention thee, supplicating God to make thee a lamp of guidance in those districts, that out of thee the spirit of knowledge may be spread upon the hearts and spirits until thou becomest a spring of fresh and sweet water whereto the thirsty and earnest desirers will come to drink, and thus be satisfied with the sweetness thereof.


Rejoice at this address which I hope from God will have a great effect on thy heart and spirit and accordingly become the banner of the Supreme Concourse in that distant and extensive spot [1] through which certain nations and tribes would be directed with bright faces, rejoiced hearts and speaking tongues uttering the praise of God.



1. [1.]