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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Pages 294-295

"O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!..."

O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!


Verily I read thy letter which indicated thy knowledge of the significances of the Revelation of St. John. I ask God to enlighten thine eyes by witnessing His lights which have illumined the horizon of existence to eternity of eternities. Praise God that He manifested unto thee the brilliancy of the Sun of Truth which is shining from the Kingdom of El-Abha; and God made thee look with divine eyes at the reality of revelation. Rest assured the light of the love of God will envelope the world with great illumination.


O maid-servant of God! May God increase thy glowing with the fire of His love and by a light from the rays of the Sun of the Universe.


O maid-servant of God! Raise the call at Green Acre, summon all unto the Kingdom of God whose lights shone forth, fragrances wafted, clouds changed into tears (or drops of rain) and guardians smiled.