
"The True Seeker must, before all else, cleanse his heart..."


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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Pages 426-427

"O thou dear maid-servant of God!..."

O thou dear maid-servant of God!


Thank thou the kind Father for that the world of creation was adorned with the light of His Manifestation and the heart of the universe found comfort in His mercy, for His infinite mercy whereby He illumined thine heart with the light of guidance and thy sight with witnessing His radiance to the extent that thou didst hearken to he call of the Supreme Concourse and didst turn to the horizon of sanctity. Praise be to Him and to Him be thanks for this greatest favor and evident attainment!


As to thy vision, it is reality itself (it is what hath occurred). Whatever thou hast seen in the realm of vision is interpreted in the contraries and opposites, for laughter in the world of vision is weeping, and weeping, joy and happiness; death is longevity, and dangers, in certain cases, safety itself. Harm (in this wise) is helpfulness, and friendship, enmity and hatred. Therefore, thou shalt not kill the lamb; nay, rather thou shalt be the cause of the spread of His Name; thou shalt share a portion of His eternal life and attain a share of His infinite mercy. The impressions of the heart (the painful feelings of the heart), which were like the blows of a weapon, are interpreted to mean joy and happiness. I hope that thou mayest attain to all these.


The purport of the study of the Persian tongue is this: That thou mayest memorize a commune in the Persian and at the time of communion and supplication, when present in the meeting of the maid-servants of the Merciful, thou mayest chant it.


The translation of Tablets is acceptable and beloved. If, occasionally, thou writest a concise, terse and useful article, with the utmost sweetness, containing the teachings and exhortations of the Blessed Perfection, verbatim, for the purpose of publishing in the journals of Denmark, it will be most agreeable. I ask God for strength and confirmation for thee.