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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Pages 498-499

"Thy letters were received. Although thou hast..."

Thy [1] letters were received. Although thou hast complained on account of not receiving answers to the petitions of the people, yet thou hast no right to do so, for the letters coming from those regions are like unto a sea - who is able to answer all of them? Some of the letters are not received and this is not the fault of the friends and, as the administration of the post is not well organized, many letters are lost in the mail. But to those letters which are received, God willing, no neglect will be displayed so far as there is time to answer them.


Thou hast written regarding the formation of three gatherings for spreading the Tablets; this is very acceptable.


Convey greeting on my behalf to the maid-servant of God, Miss .... I have written two Tablets with my own hand to her so that she may realize that her services are accepted. Likewise, I have written a Tablet to his honor Mr. ..., with my own hand, so that he may known also that his endeavors are praised.


Thou hast forwarded the copies of six letters addressed to thee form different assemblies in America. I have not yet found time to read them, but, God willing, I will read them. Rest thou assured.


I have not time at the present for more than this. Upon thee be greeting and praise!



1. [Following Tablet as received bore no opening line of address.]