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by Mark Towfiq
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Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Page 631

"O thou dear maid-servant of God!..."

O thou dear maid-servant of God!


Thy letter was received. Praise God! for thou didst hear the call of the Kingdom, wast awakened, attentive and attained faith in the Lord of Hosts.


His Holiness Christ, addressing the believers, uttereth the following in the Gospel: "Be awake lest the Son of Man come and find ye asleep!" Now, thou wast awake, therefore thou didst advance and engage in the service of the Word of God. Appreciate the value of this attainment, and, like unto a candle, radiate the light of the love of God in the meeting of the beloved. Encourage the beloved of God and be a source of joy and gladness to the Bahais. hold meetings and read and chant the heavenly teachings, so that city may be illumined with the light of reality and that country become a veritable paradise by the strength of the Holy Spirit, for this cycle is the cycle of the Glorious Lord and the melody of oneness and solidarity of the world of mankind must reach the ears of the East and West.


Convey greeting of reverence to all the maid-servants of God and His man-servants.