
"The True Seeker must, before all else, cleanse his heart..."


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by Mark Towfiq
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Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Page 689

"O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom!..."

O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom!


The decoration and adornment of the tongue consists in praising and thanksgiving to the Lord Almighty, especially when a man is guided by divine grace and mercy to the path of guidance and when he is intoxicated by the chalice of boundless blessings.


Thank God that - praise be to God! - the glass of thy life and heart hath become bright with the lamp of guidance, and the chalice of hope and desire hath overflowed with the wine of the love of God. This is an attainment and blessing that, if thou give thanks a thousand centuries and cycles, thou wilt not be capable of doing it justice. Therefore, in the utmost joy, gladness, rejoicings and endless happiness thou must open thy tongue in thanksgiving and glorifying the Lord of mercy and become the cause of enlightenment.


When in perfect obedience thou followest the path of the evident Light, thou mayest rest assured that in a little while life will find the Beloved, the seeker the Desired One and the traveler the Goal.


Kiss the face and hair of thy dear children for me, love them and educate them in divine education.