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by Mark Towfiq
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Printable Version
Tablets of `Abdu'l-Bahá `Abbás
Pages 700-701

"O thou who art enkindled with the fire of the Love of..."

O thou who art enkindled with the fire of the Love of God!


Thou art a beloved daughter in the Kingdom of Abha and art respected in the presence of Abdul-Baha. Truly, I declare, thou art engaged in the service of the Cause of God from all directions, art familiar with the glorification of the Most Great name and art intimate in spreading the fragrances of holiness. God is pleased with thee, I am pleased with thee and the angels of the Supreme Concourse are pleased with thee.


It is hoped, from the bounty of His Highness the Almighty, that thou mayest find such ecstasy and exhilaration and so ignite the fire of the love of God that thou mayest bring the regions of America near to the Kingdom of Abha.