Bahíyyih Khánum
Pages 8-9

3: Dear and deeply spiritual sister! At morn and ...

Dear and deeply spiritual sister! At morn and eventide, with the utmost ardour and humility, I supplicate at the Divine Threshold, and offer this, my prayer:


`Grant, O Thou my God, the Compassionate,

that that pure and blessed Leaf may be comforted

4 by Thy sweet savours of holiness and sustained by

the reviving breeze of Thy loving care and mercy.

5 Reinforce her spirit with the signs of Thy Kingdom,

and gladden her soul with the testimonies of

6 Thy everlasting dominion. Comfort, O my God,

her sorrowful heart with the remembrance of Thy

7 face, initiate her into Thy hidden mysteries, and

inspire her with the revealed splendours of Thy

8 heavenly light. Manifold are her sorrows, and

infinitely grievous her distress. Bestow continually

9 upon her the favour of Thy sustaining

grace and, with every fleeting breath, grant her

10 the blessing of Thy bounty. Her hopes and

expectations are centred in Thee; open Thou to

11 her face the portals of Thy tender mercies and lead

her into the ways of Thy wondrous benevolence.


Thou art the Generous, the All-Loving, the Sustainer, the All-Bountiful....'