Burma Study Abroad Website



Contents of this Page

Mapping Asia Website Launched
Asian Studies WWW Monitor
Directory of Open Access Journals
Soas Bulletin of Burma Research
Burma Economic Watch Journal
Explorations in Southeast Asian Studies
Asian Development Bank- Japan Scholarship Program
Hubert Humphrey Fellowship
World Summit Youth Award (Deadline: 20 June 2010)
Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships  (Deadline: 30 June 2010)
UNESCO-LOREAL Fellowships (Deadline: 30 June 2010)
SEARCA Invites Applications for Graduate Scholarship in Agriculture for School Year 2011/2012 (Deadline: 20 July 2010)
Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship Program (Deadline: 8 September 2010)

Online Job Search for Graduates from Asia



Mapping Asia Website Launched


Mapping Asia is a completely new web-based finding tool which provides support for research on Asia, Middle East and North Africa by gathering information about the existence, nature and availability of resources housed in UK libraries.


The site offers two searchable databases for resource discovery in all subject areas of the humanities and social sciences, covering 64 countries in Asia, Middle East and North Africa.



COLLECTION DESCRIPTIONS of resources held in UK libraries


Records include information on the content, history and development, strengths, subjects, languages and countries covered, collection material and size, as well as catalogue and collection management information. The descriptions, most of which have been specially created for Mapping Asia, allow researchers to find resources that have not been easily accessible before.

NEWSPAPERS published in Asia, Middle East and North Africa which are held in UK libraries. Records offer full bibliographic details for titles and information about libraries' holdings. The newspaper database is searchable by title, city, country, language, and other options.


The development of Mapping Asia has been led by the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, in collaboration with 16 library partners across the UK. The partners, among them the British Library, Cambridge University Library, the Wellcome Library, and the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), as well as many other institutions, have contributed collection descriptions and newspaper holdings information to the databases. All contributors continue to have access to maintain and update their data in the future.


Mapping Asia, which has been funded by the Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP), has taken two and a half years to create. After the development work finishes in October 2002, the web-site and databases will be maintained by the School of Oriental and African Studies Library.


Mapping Asia can be accessed at http://www.asiamap.ac.uk




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Asian Studies WWW Monitor


The e-journal [est. Apr 1994], a pioneering and the only publication of this kind in the world, provides free weekly abstracts and reviews of new/updated online resources of significance to research, teaching and communications dealing with the Asian Studies.


The email edition of this Journal now reaches over 3510 subscribers.

URL: http://coombs.anu.edu.au/regasia.html




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Directory of Open Access Journals

Free, full text, peer-reviewed and downloadable, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals available at:





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Soas Bulletin of Burma Research


The SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research offers current information on Burma research, activities, and resources at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, as well as information on international Burma Studies of relevance to Burma researchers in the

United Kingdom. The General Editor is Michael W. Charney (SOAS), and the Book Review Editor is William Womack (SOAS). The Bulleting is issued in pdf format with a small number of hard copies deposited in selected libraries. Information on current and forthcoming Burma research activities and other notices will be included.




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Burma Economic Watch Journal


Burma Economic Watch (BEW), a centre within the Economics Department at Macquarie University, has recently issued the latest edition of its journal. The journal, which is also called 'Burma Economic Watch', is a periodical that aims to provide up-to-date and reliable data, analysis and commentary on the economy of Burma. The latest installment, the first for 2004, has articles on Burma's growth performance vis-a-vis its peers (and the problems of measuring it), an update on Burma's banking crisis, and details of a major new survey the centre is conducting into the contributions of Burmese workers and refugees to the economy of Thailand.

The editors hope to have the journal on a website shortly, but in the meantime copies of BEW can be obtained by e-mailing Sean Turnell:





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Explorations in Southeast Asian Studies 

Explorations in Southeast Asian Studies (Graduate student journal)

Spring 2004 Issue, available now:


All previous issues of Explorations are on this website.

For submission or other information, contact seassa@hawaii.edu





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Fellowships at the Library of Congress, John W. Kluge Center


The Library of Congress invites qualified scholars to conduct research in the John W. Kluge Center using the Library of Congress collections and resources for a period of up to eleven months. The Kluge Center especially encourages humanistic and social science research that makes use of the Library's large and varied collections. Interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, or multi-lingual research is particularly welcome. Among the collections available to researchers are the world's largest law library and outstanding multi-lingual collections of books and periodicals. Special collections of manuscripts, maps, music, films, recorded sound, prints and photographs are also available. Visit the Web at http://www.loc.gov/kluge for more information.


Robert Saladini

Program Officer

John W. Kluge Center

The Library of Congress

Washington, D.C. 20540-4860

Email: rsal@loc.gov


Tel: 202-707-2692

FAX: 202-707-3595

Email: scholarly@loc.gov

Visit the website at http://www.loc.gov/kluge



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Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program

The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) encompasses 18 universities in the Asia-Pacific region offering scholarships for students pursuing masters and doctorate degrees in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields.

Candidates must apply directly to the university they are interested in attending, but for scholarship consideration must attach a completed information form that can be downloaded from the ADB’s website: http://www.adb.org.

Applicants must send the required documents and forms to the university at least six months before the planned intakes.

Members of the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP)

National Centre for Development Studies/Australian National University:
University of Melbourne: www.unimelb.edu.au
University of Sydney:

Hong Kong
University of Hong Kong:

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi:

International University of Japan:
Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University:
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies:
Saitama University:
University of Tokyo:

New Zealand
University of Auckland:

Lahore University of Management Sciences:

Asian Institute of Management:
International Rice Research Institute/ University of the Philippines in Los Banos:

National University of Singapore:

Asian Institute of Technology:
Thammasat University:

United States
East-West Centre:



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Hubert Humphrey Fellowship

Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides a year of professional enrichment in the United States for experienced professionals from designated countries throughout the world. Fellows are selected based on their potential for leadership and their commitment to public service in either the public or private sector.

Each year approximately 200 Fellows funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State engage in non-degree study and related professional experiences at selected American universities. Started in 1978, the program now has a network of over 4,000 alumni in 157 countries around the world working to improve their communities and the lives of those in need.

Fellows are placed at one of eighteen American universities chosen for excellence in relevant Humphrey fields and for the resources and support they offer Humphrey Fellows. The host campus selection process is open to all universities. This year’s university competition is in the field of Substance Abuse Education, Treatment, and Prevention.


For more information please contact:

Public Affairs Section
U.S. Embassy
110 University Avenue
Kamayut Township
Ph: 650006/ 536509/ 534173
E-mail: 1776Rgn@gmail.com




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World Summit Youth Award

The WSYA selects and promotes best practice in e-Content and technological creativity, demonstrates young people’s potential to create outstanding digital contents and serves as a platform for people from all UN member states to work together in the efforts to reduce poverty and hunger, and to tackle ill-health, gender inequality, lack of education, lack of access to clean water and environmental degradation.

WSYA is therefore both a showcase to the world for young e-content creators, journalists and writers, application designers, technologists and as well as a contribution on a global scale to adressing poverty, protecting the environment, sharing knowledge and empowering young people.

The WSYA is promoted in all UN member states through the networks of the World Summit Award (WSA) the UN Global Alliance for ICT, other participating UN Organisations and Agencies, governments and NGOs, youth organisations and all those committed to making a real difference in the achievement of the MDGs.

The WSYA will be organised in 2010 as a follow up activity of the World Summit on Information Society and its action plan towards the year 2015 and with a special focus on the MDG Review of the heads of state and government in September 2010.

It will be conducted in five plus one categories. The finalists and category winners will be invited to the WSA Events in September 2010 in New York City and at the UN Headquarters.

CONTEXT – A young world with a challenging future

Youth under the age of 30 are a majority of the world’s population. If accessible and affordable, they use electronic technologies for communication and information as an integral part of their way of living. These technologies are interactive, multimedia-based, fast, instant and potentially global.

The problems addressed by the MDGs are those issues young people will have to address if the earth should become a better place and if human kind should have a chance to survive without major catastrophes and cataclysms.

Youth are often portrayed in mass media as apathetic, distrustful or angry. The WSYA addresses another world of youth – one with technological expertise, dynamic energy, journalistic zest and innovation in applications. Whether it is young leadership in new development projects, students eager to study, teens at the cutting edge of social change, teenagers building their relationships by instant messaging, or youth running telecentres or media blogs to bridge the rural digital divide – young people have made ICT their own.


The World Summit Youth Awards mission is to empower youth by creating digital opportunity. In spite of their technological expertise, young people remain marginalized, unemployed and lacking voice in the decisions that affect them each day. We believe that if youth are given a space to showcase their skills, ideas and projects, they will be empowered as agents for social change and creativity. In addition, the networking and skill-sharing between award winners and WSIS delegates can open new doors to the information society.

The WSYA Voluteer Team is based at the International Centre for New Media (ICNM), an independent non-profit organisation based in Salzburg, Austria.

WSYA GOALS – e-Contents for Change

·                     The World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) wishes to showcase the skills, ideas and projects of young people to create e-Contents and applications which address the MDGs.

·                     The WSYA will network best-practices and allow idea- and skill-sharing between the best and most innovative content creators and producers, writers, application developers and designers.

·                     The WSYA will celebrate the achievements in local content creation and offer the projects to UN for the support of the MDGs.

For more information, please go to: http://www.youthaward.org/en_about-wsya_overview.html




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Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships

Applications for the 2011 intake open on 10 March 2010
and close on 30 June 2010

The Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) aim to develop leadership and build partnerships and linkages within the Asia-Pacific, while addressing priority development issues of the region. 

The ALA program comprises ALA Scholarships and ALA Fellowships. These awards are for leaders or those who have potential for leadership roles that can influence social and economic reform, both in their own countries and in the Asia-Pacific region.

ALA Scholarships are for study at Masters or Doctorate level in an Australian university. Study programs must relate to a priority development area: disability, economic growth, education, environment, food security, gender, governance, health, human rights, infrastructure, regional stability, rural development, water and sanitation. ALA scholars also undertake a Leadership Development Program in Australia.

As ALA Scholarships are an investment in the future of the Asia-Pacific region, ALA scholars are required to return to their home country or the region for two years after they have completed their studies in Australia.

Selection for ALA Scholarships is competitive, based on leadership qualities, academic excellence and potential impact on return home. To be eligible to apply, you must meet the following criteria.

For more information on eligibility and how to apply, please go to: http://www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/ala.cfm


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UNESCO-L'OREAL Fellowships

Within the framework of the UNESCO Co-Sponsored Fellowships Scheme, a joint programme has been launched with the L’ORÉAL Corporate Foundation with a view to promoting the contribution of young women - from all over the world – in research developments in the field of life sciences.

The UNESCO-L’ORÉAL fellowships scheme focuses on UNESCO’s premise that people are the world’s greatest resource and that innovation and excellence, especially among the young women community, deserve to be supported and encouraged through the concerted efforts of the international community. The award of the fellowships constitutes a key strategy through which impetus is being given to the enhancement of the role of women in devising scientific solutions to problems confronting humankind in the twenty-first century.


The programme is designed to identify and reward fifteen deserving, committed and talented young women scientists, from all over the world, active in the field of life sciences. With a view to ensuring that a balanced geographical representation is made, a maximum of three young women, from each of the five geo-cultural regions of the world, will be awarded fellowships.

Candidates must already be engaged in pursuing research at the doctoral or post-doctoral level in one or allied fields of life sciences including biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, pharmacy and physiology. Projects involving animal models (i.e. experimentation using vertebrate laboratory animals) are rejected, and proposals in the area of cosmetics research are NOT encouraged; preference is given to non cosmetic researches.

Special attention will be given to candidatures from the Least Developed Countries(LDCs).


Applicants (maximum four from each applying National Commission) must meet the following general criteria:

1.    The National Commission must endorse all applications. UNESCO cannot entertain applications from individuals.

2.    Candidates must be no more than 35 years old. Thus, applicants born before 1 January 1976 will not be considered under this programme.

3.    Preference will be given to candidates already possessing at the time of application a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in the field of the life sciences. However, candidatures from students pursuing studies/research leading to a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) will also be entertained.

4.    Only candidates with the necessary qualifications, who demonstrate outstanding intellectual promise and personal qualities, will be considered under this programme.

5.    Candidates must be proficient in reading and writing the language of instruction in the proposed country of study.

6.    Applicants must be in good health, both physically and mentally.

7.    Candidates may not be in receipt of another fellowship/grant for the project or for the period covered by the fellowship application. If the candidate receives another award, scholarship or fellowship for the proposed research, she should inform UNESCO immediately and her application will be reviewed and may be withdrawn.


1.    Field of study: Life Sciences

2.    Closing date for receipt of applications: 30 June 2010

3.    Duration of proposed study/research: 12 months with possibility of extension for additional 12 months

4.    Duration of stay in the host country/laboratory: At least half of the period of the fellowship must be undertaken abroad, for a minimum duration of 6 months and a maximum duration of 12 months. If an extension is granted then duration abroad is minimum 12 months and maximum 22 months. In the latter case, the applicant is requested to complete the studies in her own country for a minimum of two months.

5.    Possible date of commencing the project: Any time between 1 March 2011 &1 March 2012

6.    Requirements for application for an extension of the fellowship: The following documents should be submitted 3 months before the ending date of the fellowship: i. Three letters of recommendation issued by (a) the host institution, (b) the research supervisors at the host institution, and (c) the academic institution/laboratory in the fellow’s home country; ii. A research report on progress to date on the project and a proposal justifying the need for an extension with details of the work to be done iii. A budget estimate specifying how the second grant will be utilised. Applications for extension may only be made for the project for which the original fellowship was granted

7.    Upon termination of the fellowship, the beneficiary must agree to return to her country so that the knowledge acquired may be put to good use in local research and training programmes.

APPLICATION PROCEDURES: All applications must be submitted with the required documentation on the prescribed and enclosed application forms. Each Member State may nominate up to a maximum of four candidatures. It is the National Commission’s responsibility to select candidates that it wishes to submit to UNESCO. The National Commission is also invited to seek the cooperation of the local scientific community to ensure high standard candidatures that will then have more chances of being selected. The application(s) should reach the Fellowships Programme Section (ERC/RPO/FEL), UNESCO (7, Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07P) before 30 June 2010. An electronic copy of this letter and the application form is available in the UNESCO Fellowships' website. Advance copy may be sent by fax: +331. or by e-mail: a.zaid@unesco.org and c.dixon-cifuentes@unesco.org (MSWord or PDF format document exclusively).

The application must have the following attachments:

The research proposal should cover the following points:

The following costs are not eligible:

Computer or equipment purchases; publication costs; attendance at conferences, unless a case can be made that such attendance is an integral part of the research and would make a direct and significant contribution to the outcome of the development of life sciences.

UNESCO and the L’ORÉAL Corporate Foundation allocate the greatest importance to originality and quality. Consideration will be given only to well-structured projects that demonstrate innovation, creativity and relevance, and which are likely to contribute to enhance knowledge in life sciences.

Files which are incomplete or which are received after the deadline for application, as well as candidatures that do not meet the requirements mentioned above, will not be taken into consideration. 4. Additional information on the results of the past years’ programme can be obtained by consulting the following website: www.forwomeninscience.com


The awards financed by the L’ORÉAL Corporate Foundation, and managed and administered by UNESCO will consist of the following:

SELECTION OF BENEFICIARIES A special Selection Committee made up of representatives of UNESCO, L’ORÉAL, and Life Sciences research community or institutions will make the selection of the candidates. The International Basic Science Programme (IBSP) will be also consulted during the selection process. A member of the IBSP may take part in the selection.

Only selected candidates will be contacted by UNESCO.

Moreinfo: http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=44170&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html



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SEARCA Invites Applications for Graduate Scholarship in Agriculture for School Year 2011/2012

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in

Agriculture (SEARCA) invites applications for its graduate scholarship (MS and

PhD) in agriculture and related fields (including biological sciences, social

sciences, economics and statistics, forestry and fisheries, environmental sciences,

agro-industrial technology and engineering, biochemistry, and development

management) for School Year 2011-2012. The scholarship is open to nationals of

Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the

Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam who are regular

employees of academic or research institutions or government agencies and not

older than 35 years old.

Applicants may submit their applications to their countries’ respective Ministries of

Education, Higher Education, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Environment and

Natural Resources, or Rural Development. The Ministries will then screen and

endorse their applications and submit the list of qualified applicants accompanied

by the complete set of requirements to SEARCA not later than 30 July 2010.

Applicants should inquire with their respective Ministries regarding the Ministries’

deadline for receiving SEARCA applications.

SEARCA scholars may study at any of the following members of the University

Consortium coordinated by SEARCA: Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia; Kasetsart

University, Thailand; Institut Pertanian Bogor and Universitas Gadjah Mada,

Indonesia; and University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines. Other

reputable universities outside the University Consortium but within the Southeast

Asian region may also serve as study posts of scholars under special

arrangements and project agreements. Applicants may apply online via the

SEARCA website, but original application documents must still be sent to their

Ministry for official endorsement and submission to SEARCA. Applicants are

required to submit to SEARCA applications for admission to the Graduate Schools

of at least three universities in the list.

The application requirements and forms may study may be downloaded from the

SEARCA website at http://www.searca.org.

The topic of the research that the applicants plan to conduct for their thesis must

be in line with either of the priority thrusts of SEARCA, namely: natural resource

management and agricultural competitiveness.

Interested parties may contact the Graduate Scholarship Department of SEARCA

via email at gsd@agri.searca.org or ecc@agri.searca.org.

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and

Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)

College, Los Baños, Laguna 4031, Philippines

Telefax: (63-49) 536-7164

Email: gsd@agri.searca.org or ecc@agri.searca.org

Deadline: 20 July 2010




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Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship Program

The Jennings Randolph (JR) Senior Fellowship Program provides scholars, policy analysts, policymakers, and other experts with opportunities to spend time in residence at the Institute, reflecting and writing on pressing international peace and security challenges. 

Senior Fellowships usually last for ten months, starting in October, but shorter-term fellowships are also available.  Fellowships are open to citizens of any country.

The Institute awards between 10 and 12 fellowships per year.

Priority is given to proposals deemed likely to make timely and significant contributions to the understanding and resolution of ongoing and emerging conflicts and other challenges to international peace and security.

Applications are invited from all disciplines and professions.

Applicants should propose projects with clear policy relevance.  Historical topics are appropriate if they promise to shed light on contemporary issues.  Area studies projects and single-case studies will be comeptitive if they focus on conflict and its resolution, apply to other regions and cases, or both.

Senior Fellow awards may not be granted for projects that constitute policymaking for a government agency or private organization, focus to any substantial degree on conflicts within U.S. domestic society, or adopt a partisan, advocacy, or activist stance. 



The 2011-2012 Senior Fellow Competition application for fellows beginning their residence at the institute in October 2011 is now posted.  

For more information, and to apply, please go to: http://www.usip.org/fellows/index.html



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Online Job Search for Graduates from Asia


AsiaJobSearch, a new service funded by the Freeman Foundation that will assist East and Southeast Asian graduates of US colleges and universities find jobs in Asia, is a web-based employment search service linking pre-screened and highly-qualified US-educated Asian grads with employers and recruiters in East and Southeast Asia.

Employers subscribing to AsiaJobSearch are multinational companies with offices in Asia and Asian-based companies, including corporations, foundations, governments, NGOs and other charitable organizations that are looking for high-caliber, multilingual, globally-minded U.S.-educated Asians.

This service is free to all U.S.-educated grads from South and East Asia who meet the eligibility requirements.

For more information about eligibility guidelines for job-seekers and how to post a resume or to subscribe as an employer, go to http://www.asiajobsearch.org or email asiajobsearch@iie.org



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