Burma Study Abroad Website

Requirements and Information by Country


Contents of this Page

Education System
Required Tests
Selected Universities
Visa Requirements
Useful Resources
Useful Links


Education System

The education system in Canada is very similar to the education system in the United States. Students attend 12 years of primary/secondary school before attending university. Undergraduate programs generally take 4 years to complete. English is the language of instruction except for in Quebec, where both French and English are used. The school year runs from September to May.


Required Tests

Most Canadian universities require non-native English speakers to take the TOEFL. In some cases, a Canadian English test, the CAEL, can be taken instead.

See www.eslincanada.com/englishtests.html


CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language Assessment)

The CAEL Assessment provides an alternative to other standardized assessments of English language proficiency. The results of the CAEL Assessment are reported in a skills profile which provides both the university and the student with useful information regarding the student's relative degree of English proficiency in the four skills of academic listening, reading, writing, and oral language.

The cost of taking the CAEL Assessment will vary from location to location depending on local costs. Currently, the fee for taking the CAEL Assessment at Canadian testing sites is $50.00 CAD; the fee for the CAEL Assessment in the International testing centres is $100.00 CAD.


Canadian Test Centres


Universities Using CAEL for Admissions

Acadia University, University of Alberta, Carleton University, George Brown College, University of Guelph, University of Greenland, Lakehead University, McMaster University, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Nippissing University, University of Northern British Columbia, University of Ottawa, Ryerson Polytechnic University, St. Thomas University, Sheridan College, Simon Fraser University, University of Toronto, Trent University, University of Waterloo, University of Western Ontario, University of Windsor, York University.



Visit the TOEFL pages and the ETS web site. Information on TOEFL test dates and registration. There is information on preparation, practice materials, and advice for the day of the test at http://www.toefl.org/index.html and http://www.ets.org/ .


Test Fees

Computer-Based TOEFL US$110 ; Candidates testing in Canada US$118 ; Candidates testing in Canada and paying in Canadian dollars (includes GST) CDN$177.


Computer Based Test Locations across Canada, with local Phone Numbers

Calgary - (403)777-1365

Edmonton - (780)444-6110

Coquitlam - (604)464-6401

Richmond - (604)231-1966

Victoria - (250)472-4501

  Winnipeg - (204)288-5056

St. John's - (709)724-8901

Halifax - (902)422-7323

Cambridge - (519)622-4479

Etobicoke - (416)236-2629

  London - (519)657-4124

Ottawa -(613)745-8391

Whitby - (905)404-1818

Windsor - (519)974-8747

Montreal - 5259 (514)876-8818

Saskatoon -(306)978-7323


For more information on tests in Canada, go to: www.eslincanada.com/englishtests.html


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Note: The cost is given in Canadian dollars. The Canadian dollar is .85 of the US dollar.

Canadian students and permanent residents can obtain federal and provincial loans to cover their educations. The loans must be repaid in monthly installments once the student has graduated. There are also numerous scholarships for which Canadian residents and international students can apply. See the scholarship section below.



Undergraduate (Canadian fees) - $ 2250-3500/year
Graduate (Canadian fees) - $2000-$6000/year
Undergrad/Grad (International fees) - $7000-14,000/year



Living Expenses

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Selected Universities

Carleton University
McMaster University


Carleton University

General Information

Carleton University is a leader in scientific research. It currently has over 700 international students.


Applying for Admission

Students without a 12 year primary/secondary education must first spend one year at a recognized university.

Students must receive a TOEFL score of 580 (paper based) or 237 (computer-based). Alternatively, students must obtain a 70-90 on the Canadian Academic English Language Assesssment (CAEL).



Carleton offers dozens of scholarships and bursaries. For more information, go to:



Contact Information

Website: www.carleton.ca


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McMaster University

General Information

McMaster University, in Ontario, is a widely respected university that takes a number of international students each year. It has numerous scholarships and other forms of financial aid (work-study, loans, etc.) open to both Canadian residents and international students at the undergraduate and graduate level.


Applying for Admission

If your native language is not English and you have not resided in an English-speaking country for a minimum of four years, you must obtain satisfactory standing in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an equivalent test (MELAB, IELTS, CAELA). A minimum score of 560 is required for all programmes. An admission decision cannot be made until official proof that an acceptable score has been obtained is received in the Office of the Registrar (Admissions).


Financial Aid

For information on available financial for undergraduate students see: http://registrar.mcmaster.ca/calendar

Note: there are numerous bursaries for undergraduates.

For information on available financial aid for graduate students see: www.mcmaster.ca/graduate

Most universities provide four types of financial support to full-time graduate students: teaching assistantships, graduate scholarships, and endowed scholarships and bursaries. A student’s letter of acceptance from the University will include all details of financial support.

At McMaster University, for instance, teaching assistantships are provided to many graduate students offered admission to regular full-time programs. Duties vary according to department but will usually consist of tutorials, lab demonstrations and marking. A full teaching assistantship generally consists of 260 hours of work over two terms and for 2000-2001 is valued at approximately $8000.

McMaster University provides graduate scholarship awards to most regular graduate students in Ph.D. programs and in some Master’s programs. Such scholarships are awarded annually based upon academic merit. A Ph.D. student is normally eligible for her/his first four years. Students in Master’s programs are usually supported for their first three to six terms depending on the department.

The endowed scholarships and bursaries have various conditions and amounts attached to them. A full listing may be found in the Calendar. All incoming students and currently enrolled students are automatically eligible and considered for all four types of financial assistance subject to the above eligibility conditions. No separate application is required.

Additional funding may be available through the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships.

Note: McMasters also has bursaries for international students. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.


Contact Information

Office of International Affairs
Kenneth Taylor Hall 241
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
L8S 4M4
Telephone: (905) 525-9140, extension 24700
Fax: (905) 546-5212
Email: International Admissions Inquiry -- inadin@mcmaster.ca
Website: www.mcmaster.ca


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Visa Requirements

Before you apply for your student authorization or visitor visa, you must have:


Financial support

You must be able to prove you can support yourself and your dependants before a student authorization can be issued. A letter from your bank, a bank draft or a letter from your source of funding will show CIC officials that you can afford to pay your expenses and, if necessary, the expenses of your spouse and dependants, while you are in Canada. These expenses include post-secondary tuition, food, clothing, shelter, books, transportation, medical insurance, entertainment, personal or family needs and return trips home. The winters in Canada can be cold, so include warm clothing when calculating your living costs.

The cost of living in Canada varies from province to province. CIC officials in your country will tell you approximately what it will cost to live in the province where you will be attending school.


Character reference

To be accepted by CIC officials, you must prove you are a responsible person and that you have no criminal record. You may be asked to provide evidence of this through your local authorities.


Health standards

You must be in good health. You may be asked for a medical certificate if you have been living in a country with a high health risk. Canadian officials will tell you what you need when you make your application.


Student authorization

Once you have all the letters and documents required, you may apply for your student authorization. Normally, you will have to apply at the nearest CIC office abroad.

Foreign students may be allowed to work while attending school. But jobs may be difficult to find in Canada, so you should not count on getting one. You may be allowed to work if you meet one of the following requirements:



Canadian embassies in Asia


New Delhi Canadian High Commission,
7/8 Shantipath,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021, India
Postal address: P.O. Box 5207, New Delhi, India
Tel.: 91 (11) 687-6500
Fax: 91 (11) 687-6579



Canada is represented through the Australian embassy:

Australian Embassy,
88 Strand Road,
Rangoon, Myanmar
Tel.: 95 (1) 251-810
Fax: 95 (1) 246-159



Canadian High Commission,
IBM Towers,
80 Anson Road, 14th and 15th Floors,
Singapore 079907, Singapore
Postal address: Robinson Road, P.O. Box 845, Singapore 901645, Singapore
Tel.: 65 325-3200
Fax: 65 325-3297




Canadian Embassy,
15th Floor, Abdulrahim Place,
990 Rama IV, Bangrak,
Bangkok 10500, Thailand
Postal address: P.O. Box 2090, Bangkok 10501, Thailand
Tel.: 66 (2) 636-0540
Fax: 66 (2) 636-0555


Chiang Mai

Consulate of Canada,
c/o Raming Tea Co. Ltd.,
151 Moo 3 Super Highway, Tasala,
Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand
Tel.: 66 (53) 850-147 or 242-292
Fax: 66 (53) 850-147 or 242-616


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Useful Resources

Canadian Directory of Awards for Graduate Study, 1987

The book has two chapters containing awards not covered in specific subject of study sections. Chapter A lists awards that are available for any area of study and research. Chapter H lists all remaining awards not covered in any of the preceeding chapters and generally are multidisciplinary in nature.


Awards for Study in Canada

The booklet gives information on awards offered to foreign students and trainees. Order from the Canadian Bureau for international Education, 220 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1100, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1P 5Z9, tel (613) 237-1073, fax: (613) 237-1073. Price: Free. This publication may also be abailable for consultation at Canadian diplomatic posts.



For access to CD-Roms, books, internet access to Canadian universities; application forms, and information on scholarships and student visas to Canada in Thailand, go to:

Canadian Education Centre
12th floor, Boonmitr Building
138 Silom Road, Bangkok 10500
Tel.: 02-267-0535
Fax: 02-267-0536
email: cecbngkk@loxinfo.co.th

Monday to Friday, 8h00-16h00


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Useful Links


This fantastic and well-organized website has information on Canadian universities and colleges, tuition fees, the cost of living in different provinces, and financial aid opportunities by province and university.





This site will give you a list of scholarships and bursaries for which you can apply based on your field of study and place of residence. You must register, but it is free.




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