Burma Study Abroad Website

Donors/Institutions Page



Well-educated citizens are crucial for Burma's future. The universities in Burma today are understaffed and underfunded. Over the past 12 years, they have been shut down for periods of months or years at a time. But Burmese can go abroad to obtain quality educations.

At the same time, many Burmese are now living outside Burma as refugees and political asylees. A number of these Burmese are also eager to obtain an education as well.

You can support Burmese educational efforts in a number of ways.

1. Donate to scholarship funds for Burmese students. Click on Cetana Educational Foundation, Prospect Burma, and the Burma Action Ireland Scholarship fund and so on for information about scholarship funds specifically for Burmese students.

2. Set up a scholarship fund or tuition waiver program at your alma mater or local university specifically for Burmese students. Then post the news on this website so that Burmese students can find out about the scholarship.

3. Set up a local group that sponsors a Burmese student at a university for a year, similar to the program organized by the World University Service Committee (WUSC). The WUSC in Canada raises funds for a refugee student's first year at a university, covering tuition and living expenses. The local WUSC group also assists the refugee in the acculturation process. See www.wusc.ca for more information on how they are organized.


Cetana Educational Foundation
Prospect Burma
Scholarships at Bucknell University
The Burma Action Ireland Scholarship Fund


Cetana Educational Foundation

Cetana Educational Foundation was formed in response to a perceived need for higher education opportunities for Myanmar students. Scholars are placed at universities in Thailand and other SE Asian countries. Cetana also places students in the U. S where full tuition scholarships are available. The Myanmar screening committee finds qualified candidates who are committed to returning home to share knowledge. Cetana Foundation has the goal of supporting development of skilled people who can contribute to the human resources in Myanmar.

Cetana Educational Foundation is registered as a 501(c)(3) public charity. Gifts are tax-deductible. The Foundation is not affiliated with any government and depends on contributions from individuals, churches, corporations and other foundations. The Foundation receives general gifts, planned gifts, matching gifts, and scholarships may be named for a donor. Cetana Foundation is one of the few avenues through which private citizens may support higher education for these students. Contact for a donation or for further information:

John Young
Executive Director
Cetana Educational Foundation
90 Mt Lucas Road Princeton, NJ 08540
Email: jyoung003@sprintmail.com


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Prospect Burma

Prospect Burma was established in 1989 with funds from Aung San Suu Kyi's Nobel Peace Prize. By funding education for young Burmese, Prospect Burma seeks to help create a cadre of Burmese who will be competent to run the country once democracy returns. Its aim is to educate those who will bring their knowledge and skills back to Burma for its future development.

Prospect Burma currently gives scholarships to 80 Burmese studying in Australia, Britain, Germany, Singapore, Thailand and the USA. In addition, they have financed courses for Burmese journalists and established a scholarship link with the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok. They also help fund an English language school for Burmese refugees in Delhi and vocational training schools for refugees on the Thai/Burma border.

While Prospect Burma continues to receive modest funds from Aung San Suu Kyi's prize money, it also raises money from private donors. The number of qualified students applying for scholarships far outstrips the number of scholarships Prospect Burma can currently offer.

For more information and to send donations, please contact:

Ian C Sloane

Executive Director

Prospect Burma

Porter's Lodge

Rivermead Court, Ranelagh Gardens

London SW6 3SF

Tel: (44) (0) 207 371 0887

Fax: (44) (0) 207 371 0547

Email: scholarships@prospectburma.org

Website: www.prospectburma.org

For more information on Burma/Myanmar, see Burma/Myanmar links.


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Scholarships at Bucknell University

Shaw Loo Memorial Scholarship

The Shaw Loo Memorial Scholarship was established in 1998 to commemorate the 140th anniversary of Shaw Loo's arrival in Burma, as Bucknell's first international student.  The scholarship also marks the historic ties of Bucknell to the nation and the people of Burma, extending back to the University's founding in 1846.


U Kyaw Win and Gandasari A. Win Scholarship

The U Kyaw Win and Gandasari A. Win scholarship was established in 2000 by U Kyaw Win and Gandasari A. Win.  The scholarship is intended to benefit the nation and people of Burma, by providing grants for current or future Burmese citizens who are students at Bucknell, and who have demonstrated financial need.

        Those who wish to donate to one of these funds may contact:        

Office of Planned Giving
Cooley Hall, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA  17837

Phone: 570-577-3200.

Scholarships can be supported with outright gifts of cash or stock, or by bequests, or by gifts that are arranged so that donors receive income paid back by the university for their lifetimes in exchange for their gifts.


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The Burma Action Ireland Scholarship Fund

Burma Action Ireland was set up in May 1996 to raise awareness of the situation in Burma. It is composed of individuals involved in development, human rights and justice issues.

The aim of the fund is to enable a number of Burmese students exiled in India and Thailand to complete their education at third level institutions with a view to returning to a free Burma with the necessary skills and qualifications to build democracy in the fields of education, health and other key areas.


Payment Options

Send a cheque or postal order (payable to The Burma Action Ireland Scholarship Fund) to:

The Burma Action Ireland Scholarship Fund,
C/o Fr. Pat Raleigh,
St. Columban's College,
Dalgan Park,
Co. Meath,
Telephone: + 353-46-21525
Email: columban@indigo.ie

Direct Lodgement to Bank Account:

The Burma Action Ireland Scholarship Fund,
Allied Irish Bank,
Co. Meath,
Account No: 39612026
Bank Sort Code: 93 - 21 - 83



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