Burma Study Abroad Website

Scholarship by Country




International Course Programme (ICP) Scholarships for Developing Countries at Ghent University
Master Grants for Candidates from Developing Countries (Ghent University)



CIMO Fellowships, Finland


"Master of Public Management" (MPM) program at the University of Potsdam, Germany
Humboldt Research Fellowships for Post-Docs Residents Outside of Germany
Gorg Foster Fellowships, Germany

Central European University

The Institute of Social Studies
WOTRO: Fund for Ph.D. Projects

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
University of Oslo
University of Bergen

Bancaja International Center for Peace and Development (Spain)

Sweden (Click on the link to get to the scholarship page for Sweden)



International Course Programme (ICP) Scholarships for Developing Countries at Ghent University

Founded as a Latin-speaking State University in 1817 by William I, King of the Netherlands, Ghent University is a relatively young university. After its independence in 1830, the Belgian State was in charge of the administration of Ghent University; French was the new official academic language. In 1930 Ghent University became the first Dutch-speaking university in Belgium. The Decree of 1991 assigned great autonomy to the university.

Over the years eminent scientists such as Joseph Plateau (physicist, considered as a pioneer in the development of motion pictures), Leo Baekeland (inventor of Bakelite) and Corneel Heymans (Nobel Prize winner in Medicine) studied and worked at Ghent University.

Today, after decades of uninterrupted growth, Ghent University is one of the leading institutions of higher education and research in the Low Countries. Ghent University is an open, committed and pluralistic university with a broad international perspective.

Located in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium and the cultural and economical heart of Europe, Ghent University is an active partner in national and international educational, scientific and industrial cooperation.

Ghent University offers high-quality, research-based education in all academic disciplines. Today Ghent University attracts over 28,000 students, with a foreign student population of over 1,100 EU citizens and some 1000 students from non-EU countries.

The mission of open and democratic education is realized by the availability of social facilities and professional guidance concerning the study career.

With a view to cooperation in research and scientific service, numerous research groups, centres and institutes have been founded over the years. Several of them are renowned worldwide, in various scientific disciplines such as biotechnology, aquaculture, microelectronics, history, ... Ghent University invests an annual amount of more than 175 million euro in research projects on behalf of public and private partners.

Because it plays a leading role in the academic and scientific world, Ghent University attaches great interest to a transparent organization structure, a dynamic human resources policy, an active environmental policy, its support to spin-offs and other new initiatives.

Contact information

Ghent University
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
B - 9000 Ghent

International Course Programme (ICP)

Deadline: Spring 2007 (for academic year 2007-2008) at the VLIR.(Please go to: http://www.vliruos.be/index.php?navid=380 and download the brochure, application form and letters of recommendation. Please consult the brochure for detailed information on admission requirements, practical information and application procedure)

The International Course Programme (ICP) finances study programmes at Flemish Universities and provides a yearly intake of maximum 150 new scholars from developing countries (
including Burma), attending these courses. These courses, which result in the diploma master after bachelor, can also be attended by students with other financial means.

Ghent University organises 6 courses:

(Note: Clicking on the above links will take you to the related website, which can give you more information on each of the programs.)

ICP-PhD scholarships

Deadline: Spring 2007
in 2 hard copies and by e-mail to helke.baeyens@UGent.be

In order to be eligible for an ICP Ph. D. grant, the student has to be a ICP graduate (master’s level), the application should be submitted to the VLIR within two years after graduation from the ICP, he has to be a national of a country on the VLIR-OEDC country list and he should have a permanent residence in a developing country.

For more information, you can contact Helke Baeyens, tel. 09/264 30 35.

PhD scholarships for candidates from developing countries

Deadline: Spring 2007.
The Special Research Fund of Ghent University (BOF) allocates yearly a certain budget for students from developing countries (
including Burma) in order to obtain a PhD at Ghent University.
For more information, you can contact David Lombart, tel. 09/264 31 23.

(This information is taken from: http://www.ugent.be/en/research/developmentcooperation/scholarships.htm)



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Master Grants for Candidates from Developing Countries (Ghent University)

This invitation relates to:



The master grants refer to:

·        Master’s Programmes (master after bachelor)

·        Subsequent Master’s Programmes (master after master)

·        Complementary Studies (GAS)

·        Advanced Studies (GGS)

 Beginning 25 September 2007


2 May 2007 at 5 p.m.

The master scholarships are awarded for the duration of the studies, aiming at the delivery of a Ghent University diploma after max. 2 years of study. With the scholarship application the candidate must also submit a letter of admission to the study programme. In case of a two-year study programme, the scholarship will only be paid for the full term if the student successfully completes the first year (min. 60 credits) of the study programme. If the student wishes to stop his / her study programme, the scholarship will be terminated.

The scholarship consists of an allowance of € 850 per month and the yearly tuition fee. In case of increased tuition fee for the master’s programme, Ghent University will only reimburse the refundable part.


The applications for master grants for candidates from developing countries are to be submitted in English.


The candidates must come from – and must also possess the nationality of – one of the countries on the OECD-DAC list part I (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – Development Assistance Committee) effective from 2006. Priority, however, will be given to the categories on the DAC List of Aid Recipients with the lowest levels of development and income, including Myanmar

Evaluation of applications and granting of the grants

The Council for Development Cooperation (COS or Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) makes a selection of the applications based in part on the recommendations obtained from a working group of this Council and proceeds to formulate well-founded recommendations to the Executive Committee of Ghent University. The recommendations are based on:

·        The qualifications of the applicant for the master grant (this also implies that the chances of overly qualified candidates might decrease);

o       Successful completion of the first study year of the master’s programme at Ghent University

o       Age of the applicant

·        The significance of the master’s programme for the student’s country;

·        Validation of the knowledge in the student’s country;

·        The student’s nationality. In the event of equal rankings on the basis of the quality of the file, priority will be given to the categories on the DAC List of Aid Recipients with the lowest level of development and income;

·        The motivation of the applicant.


The master grants for candidates from developing countries will be awarded by the University’s Executive Committee on the basis of the recommendations made by the Council for Development Cooperation.


Within 20 days following the official proclamation a copy of the transcript of records or diploma must be submitted.



The applications for master grants for candidates from developing countries must be submitted typewritten on the forms required for this purpose.



The DEADLINE for submitting the proposal is

2 May 2007 at 5 p.m.

The application, drawn up on the required forms, should be delivered to the address below in 10 copies. The submission deadline will be strictly observed. Late, incomplete or incorrectly drawn-up applications will not be taken into consideration.

The proposals must be drawn up in English. If possible, please make recto-verso copies of the proposals (i.e. copy/print on both sides of the paper).

Candidates who simultaneously apply for funding elsewhere, must include one copy of this parallel application.

For further information, please contact the Research Co-ordination Office,

Anneleen Van Laere (e-mail: anneleen.vanlaere@UGent.be).

Is to be delivered to the

Chairperson of the Council for Development Cooperation

c/o Research Co-ordination Office

New Rectorate Building, 5th floor,

Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25, 9000 Gent, Belgium

For more information and to download the announcement, please go to:


To download the proposal submission form, please go to:



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CIMO Fellowships, Finland

The CIMO Fellowships programme is open to young researchers (after Master-level but not post-doctorate) from all countries and from all academic fields.

The scholarship period may vary from 3 to 12 months. The monthly allowance is 810-1 200 euros (in 2006). The scholarship is intended to cover living expenses in Finland for a single person. No additional allowance for housing is paid. Expenses due to international travel to and from Finland are not covered by CIMO.

How to apply?

The prerequisite for applying is that the visiting researcher must have established contacts with the Finnish host university. The Finnish university department wishing to host him or her applies to CIMO for the grant.

Applications should be submitted at least 3 months before the intended scholarship period. Please note that although the application form is in Finnish, Swedish and English the guidelines are only in Finnish as it is the Finnish host department who applies for the grant to CIMO.

For more information, please go to: http://finland.cimo.fi/scholarships/postgraduate_studies_and_research/cimo_fellowships.html


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"Master of Public Management" (MPM) program at the University of Potsdam, Germany

Offered in co-operation with the German Foundation for International Development (DSE) and designed for mid-career public sector professionals with relevant managerial and leadership experience in public sector organizations from developing and transition countries.

The German Government's full funding of most of the program participants -scholarships and full tuition waivers granted via the DSE - is focussing on applicants from developing countries of the South working in public sector institutions such as ministries, government agencies, local government, and NGOs.  However, the program also welcomes applications from professionals working in and/or with other institutions of development co-operation in related areas.

Short Description of the Program

Management Training for the Public Sector

Since 1999, the University of Potsdam in co-operation with the Center for Education, Health and Public Administration of the German Foundation for International Development (DSE) offers a mid-career, post-graduate degree program in Public Management.

The Master of Public Management (MPM) program strives to equip public sector professionals with the analytical and practical skills vital to meet their societies' need for excellence in public management and government. The focus of the 14-months, full-time program is on qualified graduates in economics, business administration and management as well as the social sciences, with relevant professional background and leadership experience in public sector organizations. Applicants are to come mainly from the DSE's partner countries and respective institutions. All MPM courses are taught in English.

For all relevant information concerning application procedures and deadline, admission requirements, and availability of scholarships,please, visit the website at http://www.uni_potsdam.de/pcpm/index.php?article_id=36&clang=1



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Humboldt Research Fellowships for Post-Docs Residents Outside of Germany 

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) enables highly qualified scholars resident outside Germany who hold doctorates to carry out research projects of their own choice in Germany (age limit: 40 years). Applications may be submitted for long-term research stays of between 6 and 12 months. Short-term study tours, participation in conferences or educational visits cannot be funded.


Research fellowships are offered on a world-wide competitive basis. Scholars from all nations and all academic disciplines may apply. There are no quotas in respect of either country or academic discipline. Approximately 500 research fellowships are available per annum (number of evaluated applications in 1998: approx. 1,800).

Decisions are based primarily on the quality and feasibility of research projects proposed by candidates as well as their international publications. Research projects and German hosts are selected by applicants themselves. Details of research projects and schedules must be agreed between applicants and proposed hosts prior to submission of applications.

Applications for extension of research stays already commenced in Germany can be considered only in exceptional cases.

Download application documents :
Format A4 or Format US Letter

Anna Gundlind Kaltenegger
E-mail: humboldt-fellow.select@avh.de

Application requirements

1.    Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent) and/or research work over several years, proven in a convincing manner via publications in (internationally) recognized scientific journals; applications by academics approaching their doctorate degree are accepted on submission of their thesis. 

    Proof of independent research work through recognized academic publications, preferably in international journals.

2.    Adequate language abilities: scholars in humanities must possess and provide proof of sound German language abilities; scholars in natural and engineering sciences must possess and provide proof of at least a good command of English (German or English language certificates are required).

3.    Age not over 40 years (key date: receipt of complete application); in well-founded cases - and if the age limit is only slightly exceeded - exceptions can be made to a limited extent, depending on the specific training situation in individual countries.

Applications for Humboldt Research Fellowships are accepted only if candidates fulfil the above requirements. However, you may be accorded sponsorship under the programmes offered by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) or the DFG (German Research Society).

Application procedure

Applications may be submitted to the AvH at any time. They may be forwarded either direct to the Office of the AvH or through diplomatic or consular missions of the Federal Republic of Germany or foreign liaison offices of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Processing of applications takes several months. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that he or she has submitted all the necessary documents. Incomplete applications will be returned unprocessed to applicants or at least will lead to a delayed processing.


Support during Initial Sponsorship

One of the hallmarks of the AvH is to give guest-researchers as much individual assistance as possible. In addition to monthly research fellowships of between EUR 2,100 and EUR 3,000, the Foundation offers further sponsorship schemes. Apart from the general events and assistance listed below, further individual grants and allowances may be accorded on application.

Such assistance is available to research fellows sponsored by the Foundation during initial sponsorship in Germany.


Ruth Kader
E-mail: RK@avh.de

Follow-up sponsorship

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation strives to establish and maintain life-long scientific contacts among its research fellows and awardees and their scientific colleagues in Germany. The goal of the follow-up program is to ensure that the contacts established during the initial fellowship period are strengthened and that academic cooperation continues on a long-term basis. The follow-up sponsorship has no age limit.

The sponsorship programs in short:

Sponsorship of a renewed research period in Germany: resumption of the fellowship, residence allowance

Conference allowances

Visits by German scholars to research institutions of Humboldtians abroad

Equipment donations

Printing grants

Institutional academic cooperation

Feodor Lynen Research Fellowships for young German scholars for continued cooperation of young scholars from Germany at the institutions of Humboldtians abroad.

Further activities:

In addition to the sponsorship programmes outlined here, the Humboldt Foundation organizes conferences abroad for its alumni. Assistance in activities abroad is also provided by alumni associations. Furthermore, the Humboldt Foundation invites a number of selected research fellows and research award winners every year to undertake information and lecture tours in Germany within the framework of follow-up re-invitations.

Contact with more than 20,000 scholars sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation in approximately 130 countries is also maintained through a growing body of information on the Foundation's website and in its newsletter Humboldt Kosmos.

To promote closer contacts in the world-wide network of Humboldtians, our website section Humboldt Network provides online information exclusively for scholars sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation.


Dr. Gisela Janetzke
E-mail: followup@avh.de


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Gorg Foster Fellowships 

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) enables highly qualified scholars holding doctorates from developing countries (including Burma) to carry out academic projects of their own choice in Germany (age limit: 45 years). Applications may be submitted for long-term research stays of between 6 and 12 months. Short-term study tours, participation in conferences or educational visits cannot be funded.


Research fellowships are offered on an international competitive basis. Scholars from developing countries (except for Egypt, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Turkey, India and the PR of China) may apply. There are no quotas in respect of either country or academic discipline. However, since fellowships are designed to promote the transfer of knowledge and methods and to contribute to further development in fellows' home-countries, they are focused on humanities and social sciences, political science and economics, projects in the public health sector and in the fields of agriculture, forestry and geosciences, and interdisciplinary projects relating to environmental and resource protection. Up to 25 research fellowships are available per annum.

Decisions are based primarily on the quality and feasibility of academic projects proposed by candidates as well as their (international) publications. Academic projects and German hosts are selected by applicants themselves. Details of academic projects and schedules must be agreed between applicants and proposed hosts prior to submission of applications.

Applications for extension of research stays already commenced in Germany cannot be considered.

Application requirements

1.    Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent) and/or research work over several years, proven in a convincing manner via publications in (internationally) recognized scientific journals; applications by academics approaching their doctorate degree are accepted on submission of their thesis.

2.    Proof of independent research work through recognized academic publications, preferably in international journals.

3.    Adequate language abilities: scholars in humanities must possess and provide proof of sound German language abilities; scholars in natural sciences, medicine, economics and engineering sciences must possess and provide proof of at least a good command of English (German or English language certificates are required).

4.    Age not over 45 years (key date: receipt of complete application).

5.    Affiliation with a developing country (nationality, country of residence and place of scientific work).

Applications for Georg Forster-Fellowships are accepted only if candidates fulfil the above requirements. However, you may be accorded sponsorship under the programmes offered by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) or the DFG (German Research Society).

Application procedure

Applications may be submitted to the AvH at any time. They may be forwarded either direct to the Secretariat of the AvH or through diplomatic or consular missions of the Federal Republic of Germany or foreign liaison offices of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Processing of applications takes several months. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that he or she has submitted all the necessary documents. Incomplete applications will be returned unprocessed to applicants or at least will lead to a delayed processing.

Download application documents:
Format A4 or Format US Letter


Simone Stöhr
E-mail: forster.select@avh.de


Support during Initial Sponsorship

One of the hallmarks of the AvH is to give guest-researchers as much individual assistance as possible. In addition to monthly research fellowships of between EUR 2,100 and EUR 3,000, the Foundation offers further sponsorship schemes. Apart from the general events and assistance listed below, further individual grants and allowances may be accorded on application.

Such assistance is available to research fellows sponsored by the Foundation during initial sponsorship in Germany.


Ruth Kader
E-mail: RK@avh.de


Follow-up sponsorship

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation strives to establish and maintain life-long scientific contacts among its research fellows and awardees and their scientific colleagues in Germany. The goal of the follow-up program is to ensure that the contacts established during the initial fellowship period are strengthened and that academic cooperation continues on a long-term basis. The follow-up sponsorship has no age limit.

The sponsorship programs in short:

Sponsorship of a renewed research period in Germany: resumption of the fellowship, residence allowance

Conference allowances

Visits by German scholars to research institutions of Humboldtians abroad

Equipment donations

Printing grants

Institutional academic cooperation

Feodor Lynen Research Fellowships for young German scholars for continued cooperation of young scholars from Germany at the institutions of Humboldtians abroad.

Further activities:

In addition to the sponsorship programs outlined here, the Humboldt Foundation organizes conferences abroad for its alumni. Assistance in activities abroad is also provided by alumni associations. Furthermore, the Humboldt Foundation invites a number of selected research fellows and research award winners every year to undertake information and lecture tours in Germany within the framework of follow-up re-invitations.

Contact with more than 20,000 scholars sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation in approximately 130 countries is also maintained through a growing body of information on the Foundation's website and in its newsletter Humboldt Kosmos.

To promote closer contacts in the world-wide network of Humboldtians, our website section Humboldt Network provides online information exclusively for scholars sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation.


Dr. Gisela Janetzke
E-mail: followup@avh.de




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Central European University

Central European University (CEU) is an internationally recognized institution of post-graduate education in social sciences and humanities. It seeks to contribute to the development of open societies in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union by promoting a system of education in which ideas are creatively, critically, and comparatively examined. CEU serves as an advanced center of research and policy analysis and facilitates academic dialogue while preparing its graduates to serve as the region's next generation of leaders and scholars.

The CEU Fellowship Program has been a direct means of supporting the university's mission to develop and sustain open societies, democracy, rule of law, free markets, tolerance, and political and cultural pluralism in the region by sponsoring researchers, intellectuals, and activists committed to these values. However, it has also become clear over the last decade that Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union are not the only parts of the world experiencing the development of more open societies. In response to this spreading democratization, from the 2001/2002 academic year the university will continue to focus on individuals and organizations in the region while extending the CEU Fellowship Program worldwide, with particular emphasis on students in emerging democracies.

The admission process lasts approximately five months, and is divided into four stages. Applicants will be notified of their progress after each stage.


Applying to CEU  


Eligibility and Language Requirements

The admissions and eligibility requirements outlined below represent the university's general policies. Individual departments and programs may establish additional criteria for admission as deemed necessary, including - but not limited to - specifying appropriate academic backgrounds and requiring higher minimum language test scores. 


General Requirements

Eligibility Requirements for Master's Programs

Applicants must have earned a first degree from a recognized university or institution of higher education or provide documentation indicating that they will earn their first degree from such an institution by the time of enrolling in a CEU Master's program.

Eligibility Requirements for Doctoral Programs

Applicants must have earned a Master's degree from a recognized university or institution of higher education or provide documentation indicating that they will earn such a degree by the time of enrolling in a CEU PhD or SJD course of study.

Eligibility Requirements for Doctoral Support Programs

Applicants to doctoral support programs must be enrolled in a doctoral program at another recognized university or institution of higher education.


Language Requirements

Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English. Those applicants whose first language is not English must submit standardized English language test scores, e.g., the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), including the Test of Written English (TWE) or Essay. Other substitute tests of English language are noted below.

Minimum test scores for Master's, Doctoral Support and Doctoral programs are outlined in the tables below.

Minimum Test Scores Required by Master's and Doctoral Support Programs:

Test Type

Minimum Score Required

TOEFL/Essay (Computer based)

213 (TOEFL), 4 (Essay)

TOEFL/TWE (Paper version)

550 (TOEFL), 4 (TWE)

CEU Administered TOEFL (Paper version)

550 (TOEFL)

International English Language Test (IELTS)


Cambridge Proficiency Examination


Cambridge Advanced English Test



Minimum Test Scores Required by Doctoral Programs:

Test Type

Minimum Score Required

TOEFL/Essay (Computer based)

250 (TOEFL), 5 (Essay)

TOEFL/TWE (Paper version)

600 (TOEFL), 5 (TWE)

CEU Administered TOEFL (Paper version)

600 (TOEFL)

International English Language Test (IELTS)


Cambridge Proficiency Examination


Cambridge Advanced English Test



Some departments may require higher minimum test scores.


Exceptions to Minimum Requirements for English Language Proficiency

Candidates for admission who are in one of the following categories may request exemption from the language testing requirements:

a) Applicants who have spent a minimum of two consecutive academic years of study in a recognized English-language university or institution of higher education within the last five years may be considered exempt from standardized language testing at the discretion of the department head. All other non-native speakers of English will be required to submit test scores.

b) Current CEU students and alumni applying to PhD programs are typically exempt from English language proficiency testing requirements.

c) Applicants who do not reach the minimum entrance requirements for English Language Proficiency may be offered admission only in exceptional cases as determined by the department/program head in consultation with the Academic Pro-Rector.


English Language and Other Admissions Tests Organized by CEU

In the process of applying to CEU, students from CEE/fSU and other countries where Soros foundations operate* may request to take the Institutional TOEFL administered annually by CEU. Candidates based in these countries may sit for English language proficiency examinations provided through the local Soros foundation network. This examination will be in the form of an institutional paper-based TOEFL CEU will administer department-specific admissions examinations along the same procedure and on the same day as the Institutional TOEFL.

Applicants from all other countries will be required to take the standard tests indicated under "Language Requirements", offered throughout the world, and submit scores with their application. These students may be offered admission on a conditional basis. In such cases, CEU reserves the right to administer its own test upon the student's arrival in Budapest and require some additional coursework. These applicants may also apply for some financial contribution from CEU toward the cost of the relevant test. These applications will be considered on a case-by-case reimbursement basis.

Additional Requirements

Departments and programs may establish additional requirements for admission as deemed necessary. Please see Academic Units for details.  

Note on Late Applications

CEU will consider all applications received by the deadline or postmarked by the deadline (See all application deadlines on Admissions homepage: www.ceu.hu/admissions.html#1.) Applications received after the deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Late applicants must demonstrate outstanding potential to be considered for admission.


The Admissions Process

Admission to Central European University is based upon an overall evaluation of the candidate, including academic achievement, strength of recommendations, English language proficiency and general compatibility with the aims of the department or program. Most departments seek students who will contribute to the development of emerging democracies worldwide and in the CEE/fSU region after their graduation from CEU, whether in academic or professional careers.


Application Deadlines: See all application deadlines on Admissions homepage: www.ceu.hu/admissions.html#1.


Applicants planning to submit their application to the CEU coordinators in their home countries should inquire about the internal deadline set by the coordinators. In some cases, there may be an earlier deadline due to the holiday season in each country. Applications mailed directly to CEU must bear a post stamp no later than the deadline.


CEU's admissions process is divided into four stages:  

Stage One: Evaluation of Documentation

Upon receipt of all application materials each departmental/program selection committee will evaluate applications on the basis of past academic performance, strength of recommendations, work experience, the applicant's expectations of the program and his/her future plans. After this initial evaluation, applicants will either be invited to continue with the selection process or be declined admission.

Approximate date of notification: between February 16 and February 20  

Stage Two: Testing

English Language Testing

Applicants who pass the first stage of the admissions process will be invited to take an institutional TOEFL examination and other department specific tests.

Students from CEE/fSU and other countries where Soros foundations operate may request to take an institutional TOEFL examination and other department specific tests administered annually by CEU. Candidates based in these countries may sit for these examinations provided through the local Soros foundation network. Testing will be held at the majority of regional Open Society Institute offices listed in this Admissions Bulletin.

Applicants from all other countries will be required to take standard tests offered throughout the world, as indicated in the entry requirements of each department, and may be offered admission on a conditional basis. The deadline for submission of these tests scores is together with the application documents. Applicants who are not able to comply with the deadline for legitimate reasons, may request an extension by writing to the CEU Admissions Office.  In such cases, CEU reserves the right to administer its own test upon the student's arrival in Budapest and require some additional coursework.

All other applicants who have submitted standard test scores together with their application, will be notified of their progress.

Mathematics Examination (For Applicants to the Economics Department MA in Economics)

Because the Economics MA program incorporates a substantial mathematical component in its program, all applicants are required to take a mathematics examination covering basic calculus, probability theory and linear algebra. The examination will be held on March 6, 2004 at the majority of regional Open Society Institute Offices listed in this Admissions Bulletin. Applicants not residing in countries where Soros foundations operate, or those who were not able to attend the CEU mathematics examinations, are required to submit an official GRE score.

GRE is a compulsory requirement for PhD Economics candidates.

Please note that samples of previous years' tests may be obtained from the local Open Society Institute offices or from the CEU Admissions Office.

Greek, Latin and/or Old Church Slavonic (For Applicants to the Medieval Studies Department only)

Due to the need for additional language skills, all applicants to the Medieval Studies Department are required to take a Greek, Latin and/or Old Church Slavonic examination depending on the nature of their research interests. Language requirements will be specified by the department. The examination will be at the majority of regional Open Society Institute Offices listed in this Admissions Bulletin. Applicants not residing in countries where Soros foundations operate will be notified of special arrangements.

Please note that samples of previous years' tests may be obtained from the local Open Society Institute offices, the CEU Admissions Office, or from the departmental WEB page: http://www.ceu.hu/medstud.

Legal Reasoning Test/ Legal Essay (For applicants to the Legal Studies Department only)

Legal Reasoning Test

The legal reasoning test is a standardized test measuring analytical thinking and logical reasoning capabilities. The test consists of two sections of 20-30 questions each, and takes approximately two hours to complete. Candidates are also encouraged to practice law school admission sample tests, available on the web at: http://www.lsac.org/LSAC.asp?url=lsac/download-forms-guidelines-checklists.asp 

Please refer to the description of the Legal Studies Department for further details about the Legal Reasoning Test.

Evaluation of Test Scores

Upon receipt of examination scores, each departmental/program selection committee will conduct a competitive re-evaluation of the complete application file and invite selected individuals to continue with the admissions process or will decline admission.

Approximate date of notification: between March 25 and April 30  

Stage Three: Interview

CEU faculty or local CEU representatives will interview selected applicants in their home countries whenever possible and necessary under the departmental evaluation procedures. Telephone interviews may also be conducted under certain circumstances. In situations where the applicant cannot be interviewed in person or a telephone interview is deemed impractical, the department/program may, at its discretion, accept the applicant's documentation as sufficient data for an evaluation. All interviewing is typically conducted during the month of April. Native speakers of English and students who submit official language scores with their application may be interviewed in February or March.

Interviews are used to further evaluate the applicant's knowledge of and interest in a particular academic field as well as any related experience, language ability and his/her personal goals. Interviewers will also evaluate the extent to which the applicant will contribute to and benefit from the department/program in question.  

Stage Four: Final Evaluation

Those applicants selected to participate in the first three stages of the admissions process are once again evaluated by a departmental/program selection committee. Each applicant is considered on the basis of past academic performance, English language proficiency, intellectual merit and general compatibility with the aims of the department/program.

Departmental/program selection committees may choose to offer an applicant admission, place him/her on a waiting list or decline admission.  

Notifications of Acceptance, Waiting List or Rejection

The official notification of acceptance, waiting list or rejection is issued by the CEU Admission Office. Decisions may also be communicated through the CEU Coordinators in the local Soros foundations. Students who are offered acceptance or placed on the waiting list will be notified shortly after May 21. Rejected candidates will be notified shortly after May 31.  

Acceptance by Order of Student Choice

Students may apply to two separate departments at CEU by sending two copies of the same application with the appropriate attachments. Admission will be offered on the basis of "First Choice" indicated on the application. If the "First Choice" department rejects the applicant, but the "Second Choice" department accepts the applicant, the student will be offered admission directly to his/her "Second Choice". If both departments accept the applicant, an admission offer will be made from the "First Choice" department, and not both.  

Application Form

The CEU Application Form is available as a separate attachment to the Admissions Bulletin or can be downloaded in electronic format from the CEU web site: http://www.ceu.hu/application_form.html  

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The Institute of Social Studies

The ISS is an international institute of higher education on social and economic change with a focus on development processes. It was founded 50 years ago by the Dutch universities to assist in the training and further education of professionals, especially from developing countries.

The Institutes academic staff represents an exceptional range of experience and theoretical interests. Over 8,500 students from more than 160 countries have studied at the Institute.

The ISS is one of the five international education institutes of the Netherlands, each focusing on a different scientific field: the IHE, IHS, ITC and the MSM.

The ISS is affiliated to FION and SAIL, umbrella organisations that represent thirteen international education institutes in The Netherlands.

The ISS forms part of the Dutch academic scene. There are close ties through participation in the research (PhD-) school CERES, through appointments of Professors at other universities and joint teaching programmes. ISS has a special partnership relation with Utrecht University which acts as the liaison of the ISS with the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences .

Applications for admission are processed and decided upon irrespective of the financial situation of the applicant. It is assumed that applicants will be capable of meeting their travel expenses and of financing their study, residential and other costs while at the Institute. 

After admission to the ISS a student needs to secure funding. Please note that in most cases procedures are long, so make sure to have your application sent in early. Your admission is valid for two years.

Kortenaerkade 12
2518 AX
The Hague

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 29776
2502 LT The Hague

For information on the teaching programs and studying at the ISS  contact the student office:
student.office@iss.nl or tel: +31 70 426 0522

The following are the overview of fellowship programs that might be interesting to you:

World Council of Churches

The World Council of Churches (WCC) awards a small number of scholarships. Priority is given to those who are employed by the church or who work for church-related or other non-governmental agencies. The WCC does not accept individual applications. Applications should be channeled through the national headquarters of a church, church-related organization or the World Council of Churches representative in the home country. This application process takes at least six months.



World Bank Scholarship Programs

Through its management of the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) and The Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program, the World Bank Institute provides opportunities for Graduate study and research to promising professionals from developing member countries.



United Nations Scholarship and Fellowship Programs

There are a variety of scholarships offered through the United Nations agencies. We suggest you begin by inquiring at Local/National Representatives of UN agencies. You could focus on : * United Nations Centre for Human Development (UNCHS) * United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) * United Nation Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) * United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) offers scholarships for study that promotes economic and social development. * Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) * International Atomic Energy Agency



Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank has various types of fellowships available. We suggest that you contact their local office in your own country for more information.



The Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation), International Policy Fellowships

The Open Society Institute (OSI) is a private operating and grantmaking foundation established by philanthropist George Soros as part of his efforts to foster the development of open societies around the world.



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WOTRO: Fund for Ph.D. Projects

There are very few sources of funds available to international students wishing to pursue a PhD or doctorate. Availability of fellowships and research assistantships is limited. On behalf of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Dutch foundation WOTRO manages a PhD fund which is aimed at strengthening the research capacity in developing countries by the provision of facilities to individual researchers to obtain a doctorate. These candidates should have links with a local institute in a developing country. The application for the PhD project should be signed by both a local and a Dutch promoter. The research must be development-related. The fellowship period is for a maximum of four years, based on a sandwich formula: an alternating residence in the Netherlands and the country of origin.

Please contact WOTRO for more information on application details.
Laan van Nieuw Oost Indië
P.O. Box 93138
2509 AC The Hague
Phone: 31 - (0)70-3440735
Fax: 31 - (0)70-3850971
Email: wotro@nwo.nl

The following universities and international institutes listed in this catalogue offer possibilities for earning a PhD or a doctorate in any of their faculties. For further information, contact the faculty in question, or the office of foreign relations or student affairs. See the list of adresses on this website.
•        Delft University of Technology
•        Eindhoven University of Technology
•        Erasmus University Rotterdam
•        Leiden University
•        Tilburg University
•        Universiteit Maastricht
•        Universiteit van Amsterdam
•        University of Groningen
•        University of Nijmegen
•        University of Twente
•        Utrecht University
•        Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
•        Wageningen University
•        Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS)
•        Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
•        International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC)
•        UNESCO-IHEInstitute for Water Education
•        Maastricht School of Management (MSM)


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Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Candidates from developing countries or Central and Eastern Europe who intend to study for either one of NTNU's international master's programs held in English or doctoral programs, may apply to be considered for financial support under the Quota Program for students from developing countries, Central and Eastern Europe.

The Quota Program is Norway's and NTNU's largest loan and scholarship scheme for financing students from these countries when it comes to student numbers. A total of 1100 students, 700 from developing countries and 400 from Central and Eastern Europe are sponsored within the national quota. The scheme was implemented by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs (KUF) in the autumn 1994 as a Norwegian Governmental Assistant Scheme to promote capacity building in the students' home countries and encourage participation of students from these countries in the process of internationalization of higher education. Currently 43 higher educational institutions in Norway are participating in the scheme, where NTNU has the largest institutional quota, followed by University of Bergen and University of Oslo. High priority in the nomination is given to candidates from NTNU's collaboration institutions.

Please be aware that candidates applying for the Introductory Program in Norwegian for International Students (IFUS) and undergraduate studies, are not eligible for support under the Quota Program. These candidates have to document other sources of financing when submitting their application (A minimum of NOK 70 000 (US $ 7 500) per year for each year of the study period).

The Quota Program covers living expenses while studying in Norway, travel allowances according to fixed national rates at minimum student price, support to cover field work periods in the students' home country as part of the study in Norway, and additional support for family members when they are staying together with the student in Norway. A major part of the support is given as a loan, that will be waived if the student is permanently settling down in his or her home country, and a minor part is given as a scholarship. To be considered for financial support under the Quota Program students should have stayed at least one year in their home country directly prior to the planned education at the Norwegian university/ college. Candidates applying directly from another Western country will therefore not be considered for financial support.

For more information, contact: Ragnhild.Brakstad@adm.ntnu.no




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University of Oslo

The Norwegian Quota Program is a funding scheme offered by the Norwegian Government to students from developing countries and Eastern- Europe.

Courses offered


The Quota Program aims at offering specially designed, English-taught master degrees or 1-year programs offering optional courses within a specific subject. The Quota Program also offers funding to doctoral program students, either for a full doctoral program taken in Norway or for a shorter period of study in Norway as part of a degree taken in the home country.

1-year programs | Master degrees | Doctoral degree




Who may apply


List of countries eligible for the Norwegian Quota Programme. Please note that applicants who live in another country than their country of citizenship, either temporary or permanently, cannot apply.




Where to apply


Students address their application directly to the International Relations Office at the University of Oslo. The deadline for applications is 1 December. If you want more information about the Quota Program, you can order an information brochure and pre-application form here, or contact the International Relations Office by mail. The application form is not available on the web or in any electronic format.






Deadline for applying is 1 December.




Criteria for Application


Basic Entrance Requirements and requirements for admission to master and doctoral degrees

Knowledge of English language





Frequently Asked Questions


If you have questions about the Quota Programme, please take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions.

For general International Student enquiries, please contact: international@admin.uio.no



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University of Bergen

A scholarship scheme has been established by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research in order to facilitate access to higher education in Norway for students from Developing countries and Eastern Europe (see this page for an extensive list of countries covered by the scholarship scheme). The scholarships cover all expenses for the academic year (10 months) and are given as loans and grants. The loan is converted into scholarship upon the student's return to his/her country of origin. The scholarship includes travel allowances. The scholarship may only be granted to students admitted to special academic programs approved by the Ministry of Education, 'Research and Church Affairs.

A preliminary application form can be found here


For more information about the University of Bergen, please go to: http://www.uib.no/fa/stud/kfus/uland.html


Qualifications for Admission

Candidates must normally have obtained a First Degree/Bachelor's degree of at least 3 years' duration, or its equivalent, including courses equaling 1,5 years of full-time studies in a subject relevant to that of the program applied for.

Please note that at least 2nd Class, Upper Division or the equivalent is normally required to be included in the final selection for admission. Applicants whose first language is not English are normally obliged to provide the results of either the TOEFL or the IELTS test. Exception is made for the language programs. The required minimum entrance scores are 500 for TOEFL Paper-based test, 173 for TOEFL Computer-based test (please use the University of Bergen's TOEFL code 9367), or 5.0 for IELTS. The test should not be older than 2 years.

Exemption is given to applicants from certain African countries (Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, 11 Zambia and Zimbabwe), whose language of instruction has been English throughout secondary school and university, alternatively holding an A-level examination in English with the mark C or better.



The MPhil programs are approved for scholarship funding. The scholarships are only intended for applicants from Eastern Europe and Developing countries. In order to be eligible for a scholarship, candidates must have resided in their home country for at least one year prior to the intended study period in Bergen. Other conditions for eligibility will be considered during admission procedures, so that the acceptance letter will normally also be a guarantee for scholarship.


Applying for Admission

To apply for admission, first return the pre-application form. This can be done at any time of the year. If the information indicates that you will be able to compete for a seat in the University, you will receive application material and instructions.

Please observe that applicants residing outside their home country will normally not be considered for admission (see also "Funding" above).

Priority will be given to:

Rejected applicant are welcome to reapply and will be considered on equal terms with first time applicants.

Application deadline: 1 December.

Documentation not available at the time of applying must be received by 1 February.



The regular doctoral programs are based on— and are a continuation of the Norwegian graduate degrees, or an equivalent qualification. A doctoral program consists of course work amounting to 1 semester study load, a major research period and the writing of a dissertation which has to be defended in a formal disputation. It takes 3 years or more to complete the doctoral degree.

Candidates applying for a doctoral program must have an established agreement with a professor and the relevant department and have to submit an approved thesis proposal as the major part of the application.

Please note that only very rarely are candidates admitted for a doctoral degree on the basis of a foreign degree only. Students admitted to Master of Philosophy studies may qualify for admission during or upon completion of their master program.



The rules pertaining to funding of doctoral studies are very strict. Research grants and scholarships are limited, and competition is extremely high. Scholarship students on the MPhil programs who transfer to a doctoral program will normally have their funding extended for the doctoral period, or part of it.

For information on Quota Program which provides scholarships for students from developing countries, please go to: http://prospective.uib.no/?mode=show_page&link_id=36&toplink_id=21



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Bancaja International Center for Peace and Development (Spain) 


The MA Program in Peace and Development Studies of Universitat Jaume I offers academic education and professional training in the interdisciplinary field of Peace and Development Studies. Participants gain specific qualifications in the areas of peace theory, development, democracy and human rights, and enhance their skills for practical, peaceful conflict transformation. It also aims to provide participants with an awareness of the multiple cultural and regional perspectives from which to view these academic fields. The program is operated and accredited by Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (UJI), and is held at the Bancaja International Centre for Peace and Development (Centro Internacional Bancaja para la Paz y el Desarrollo, or CIBPD).

This program is meant to challenge students both inside and outside the classroom. Although the courses reflect the high quality of our international faculty, a significant portion of the education occurs outside the seminars. Since Peace and Development Studies is an interdisciplinary field, our students have backgrounds in varied traditional academic fields in addition to Peace Studies. Unlike most modern universities, this program recognizes that students themselves are valuable sources of information. Therefore, in addition to a standard education informed by professors and texts, we also cultivate a more horizontal approach to education, where students can teach each other. Given the diverse faculty and student body, we have found this approach very effective and challenging to the students and faculty. Thus, it creates an environment in which conversations among students and faculty continue in a small community. This stimulates the growth of a 'community of scholars,' normally 45 to 50 participants, that is particularly rich because of its diversity.

The faculty of the MA Program in Peace and Development Studies at CIBPD mainly consists of professors and instructors from universities, organizations and institutes throughout the world. Given this structure, we are able to attract some of the best instructors in the world from varied disciplines. The small class sizes (normally 15 students per course) also allow students a high level of accessibility to their teachers. Furthermore, the faculty reside in the same complex as the students, and nearly always are available to students in their free time outside of class for advice, further information or just conversation.

A student enrolled in this program should be prepared to find him or herself sitting next to students from Bosnia, Bhutan, China, Nicaragua, Rwanda or Russia, to name just a few of the countries which our students call home. The individuals themselves often reflect the cross pressures and dislocations from the modern world. Some will have experienced the wars and violent conflicts that the rest of the world has only known through the media.

Upon completion of a semester every student will have had cultural perceptions and assumptions about other societies, as well as one's own, challenged, and in many cases significantly modified, as a new web of relationships comes to inform the student's life. Our staff has seen intimate friendships develop between students from very diverse backgrounds. In the future, a student may find that he or she is invited to a wedding in India, a rock festival in Denmark, or a holiday on the beaches of Gambia. Or, you might be asked to help support local peace work in Guatemala, the rebuilding of a town in Bosnia, or the resettlement of someone fleeing from Liberia. We believe that this program provides students with an understanding of peace and development that goes beyond the merely academic. Our effort is to create a diverse community of learning focusing on our most difficult and most important problems. Inevitably students learn that solutions to these problems can only begin to occur if they recognize and begin to understand the various cultures that create this rapidly changing world. The educational experience in the MA Program of Peace and Development Studies of UJI is therefore a microcosm of the foundations of conflict resolution; for it fosters the respect and understanding of other ways of life.

For further information, please contact:

Centro Internacional Bancaja para la Paz y el Desarrollo

Fundación Caja Castellón,


12001 Castellon (Spain)

Tel: +34 964232551 / Fax: +34 964230212

E-Mail: epd@uji.es cibpd@fundacioncajacastellon.es


1) Scholarships of the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional

Students from developing countries who are proficient in Spanish can ask for a scholarship through the Agencia Española de Cooperación (AECI). Those interested should apply for this scholarship between February and April. For detailed information of this scholarships, contact your local Spanish Consulate, Embassy, or:

Avenida Reyes Católicos, 4
28048 Madrid

2) Scholarships for Developing Countries Students

A limited number of scholarships are offered as part of development co-operation with countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. These scholarships are possible thanks to: Generalitat Valenciana, the municipalities of Almenara, Alqueríes, Castelló, Onda, Vall D'Uixó and Xilxes, and the Provincial Government of Castelló.

These scholarships cover tuition, housing, medical insurance and a daily stipend.
In order to qualify for such scholarship, candidates need to:

-Be nationals of a developing country;

-Have a suitable academic and/or professional background;

-Indicate on the application form that they want to be considered for financial aid.

The Scholarships are subject to approval by the Selection and Review Committee.




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