Burma Study Abroad Website

Short Courses and Special Programs


Contents of this Page

Part-time Master of Studies Degree in International Human Rights Law (UK)
International Short Health Courses and Specialized Study Tours (Thailand)
Conflict Transformation Across Cultures (US)
International Policy Advocacy Course (US)
Journalist Programs at the Reuter Foundation (US, UK, or France)
Journalist and Broadcast Training at the Thomson Foundation (UK)
Royal Town Planning Institute (UK)
Spalding Trust Grants for Research on World Religions


Part-time Master of Studies Degree in International Human Rights Law

University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education

A distance-taught and residential 2-year degree course

The Department for Continuing Education at the University of Oxford is offering a part-time degree in Human Rights Law, starting in October 2001.

The course provides a graduate qualification for the career of persons actively involved in the human rights field and combines theory and doctrine of human rights law with advocacy and investigative skills.

Modules include:

  • Human Rights Theory
  • The International Criminal Process
  • Populations at Special Risk
  • Advocacy Skills
  • Research Methods
  • The course is taught over the internet and in two residential periods in Oxford of four and six weeks by a team of internationally recognised human rights experts.

    Tuition for students beginning the course in the academic year 2001/2002 is GBP5,444 per year. (This does not include accommodation during the residential period in Oxford or college fees.)

    Applications should have a LLB or equivalent law degree (in exceptional circumstances, applications from persons with other degrees who have extensive human rights-related experience will be considered). Applicants should also have a high standard of English, (minimum TOEFL 650 or IELTS 7.5).

    For further information and application forms, see:


    or contact:
    International Programmes
    University of Oxford Department of Continuing Education
    1, Wellington Square
    Oxford OX1 2JA, UK
    Tel: +44-1865-270281
    Fax: +44-1865-270314
    Email: enquiries@conted.ox.ac.uk


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    International Short Health Courses and Specialized Study Tours (Thailand)

    Mahidol University

    Course Title



    Cost US$

    Primary Health Care and Health Service Management Feb 7 - 17 10 days


    Study Seminar on Communitybased Approaches and Intersectoral Collaboration in Safe Motherhood and Child Care Mar 5 - 17 2 weeks


    Management of Community-based Prevention of HIV/AIDS Care and Counseling for People with AIDS May 15 - 26 2 weeks


    Womens Health and Development: Reproductive Health, Income Generating and Community Participation Jun 12 - 23 2 weeks


    18th Integration of Health and Social Development: Thailands Experience Jul 29 - Aug 8 10 days


    8th Primary Health Care at the District Level Aug 13 - 26 2 weeks


    8th Primary Health Care Management Advancement Program (PHC-MAP) Sep 4 - 22 3 weeks


    15th Master of Primary Health Care Management Degree Program (MPHM) Aug 1, 2000 - May 31, 2001 10 months


    See http://www.aihd.mahidol.ac.th for more information.


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    Conflict Transformation Across Cultures (CONTACT)

    School for International Training, Vermont, USA

    This is a professional development program designed to strengthen and support the community-building, coexistence and conflict intervention and resolution efforts of peacebuilders from the United States and around the world.

    Participants can enroll in a 2-3 week residential Summer Institute, or a Graduate Certificate Program, which includes 4 weeks in residence at the School for International Training (SIT) in Vermont, USA followed by a practicum, coursework delivered through interactive distance learning, and a seminar, held either at a regional fieldsite or at SIT.

    CONTACT provides core skills and practical tools for analyzing and responding to conflict in intergroup, communal, and public life. Drawing upon the direct experiences of participants as well as faculty, the program utilizes a participatory, experiential approach that includes case studies, simulations, role-plays and group work.

    Offered in partnership with the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy and the Karuna Center for Peacebuilding, the CONTACT program has brought together a faculty with a wealth of international experience and intercultural perspective on conflict transformation such as: Paula Green, John Ungerleider, Louise Diamond, Mohammed Abu-Nimer and Baht Latumbo.

    Participants from previous years have come from the following countries: Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Germany, Ghana, Israel, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Palestine, Republic of Macedonia, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the United States and Yugoslavia. Conflict Transformation Across Cultures (CONTACT) has been developed with the support of the United States Institute of Peace.

    For more information:

    Conflict Transformation Across Cultures (CONTACT)
    School for International Training
    Kipling Road, P.O. Box 676
    Brattleboro, Vermont 05302-0676 USA
    Tel (802) 258-3339
    Toll Free Within the U.S. (877) 257-7751
    Fax (802) 258-3248
    Email: contact@sit.edu

    Or go to: www.sit.edu

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    International Policy Advocacy Course

    Three Locations in the US

    Center for Social Policy and Institutional Development
    Washington, DC, New York City, Vermont, USA
    31 May - 29 June 2001

    Established in 1995, the International Policy Advocacy (IPA) course brings participants to two major international policy centers, Washington, D.C. and New York City, to provide a practical, hands-on approach to learning key advocacy concepts and skills NGOs need to influence policies of the UN, World Bank, and other international institutions, and agencies of the U.S. government concerned with global policies. The final week on the SIT campus in Vermont is an opportunity to synthesize the knowledge and skills gained throughout the course by the preparation of advocacy campaigns or trainings that the participants can implement upon returning to their countries or regions.

    In the past six years, over 100 participants from the following countries have completed the course: Angola, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Botswana, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Croatia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Uganda, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Evaluations of the program have been overwhelmingly positive, and participants report that the course has a significant impact on their work. References from previous participants are available upon request.


    Program Description

    The program uses participatory, experiential education methods to help NGO leaders and staff members:


    31 May to 23 June -- Washington, D.C., and New York City

    During the first three weeks of the program, participants attend training workshops on advocacy principles and skills. Applying this learning to in-depth case study discussions, participants meet with key staff of international policy institutions and U.S.-based NGOs actively involved in advocacy work. Depending on their specific interests, participants interact with representatives from such institutions as:

    There are opportunities to discuss and contrast effective strategies and skills for local or national level advocacy in the different countries represented, as well as in the area of international policy advocacy.


    24 - 29 June -- Brattleboro, Vermont

    The final week takes place on SIT's campus in rural Vermont, giving participants the opportunity to synthesize what has been learned and to plan specific actions for applying their new knowledge and skills upon return to their own organizations and NGO networks.


    Eligibility: This course is designed for key staff and leaders of NGOs in developing countries. Applicants should have some experience working to influence national or local policies is desirable. Optimally, the program will achieve diversity in the gender and geographic backgrounds of its participants. Applications from leaders of grassroots organizations that have been underrepresented in United Nations conferences, international meetings, and international advocacy coalitions are especially encouraged to attend.

    Applicants must be fluent in English and must secure both an endorsement by his or her organization and financial support (see the Administrative Information section). An applicant should complete the application form, and submit the following to CSPID at the School for International Training by 15 February 2001:

    Telephone or personal interviews will be conducted whenever feasible.


    Tuition for the International Policy Advocacy course is $4,900. This includes all instruction, program materials, and ground transportation from Washington, D.C., to New York City, and on to Brattleboro, Vermont. In addition, each participant must secure funding for lodging (CSPID arranges for group rates in local accommodations in all three sites), health insurance, food, bus/subway/taxi fares for travel within Washington and New York, and personal expenses. Since these costs can vary significantly depending on choice of accommodation and lifestyle, we recommend that all course candidates and sponsors contact CSPID for a list of estimated expenses in each city.


    Contact Info:

    Center for Social Policy and Institutional Development
    Kipling Road, P.O. Box 676,
    Brattleboro, Vermont 05302-0676
    Phone: (802)258-3339
    Fax: 802-258-3248
    Email: info@worldlearning.org


    Financial Support

    Most IPA participants will secure funding from their own organization and/or a donor agency. Possible donor sources include:

    Upon request, CSPID will send additional information to a prospective donor source. If possible, please include the name of a contact person.

    A very limited amount of funds may be available through CSPID to partially subsidize costs. Applicants who can demonstrate that they have attempted to secure third-party sponsorship and have successfully raised some portion of their fees are eligible to apply. Contact CSPID for more information.

    Website: www.sit.edu


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    Journalist Programs at the Reuter Foundation

    US, France, or UK

    85 Fleet Street, London, EC4P 4AJ, tel. 0171-510 7015

    Correspondent: The Administrator

    The Reuter Foundation offers the following training opportunities for journalists resident in the developing world: study Fellowships at the Reuter Foundation Programme, Green College, Oxford University (England), Stanford University (USA) and Bordeaux University (France); a Photojournalism fellowship at the University of Missouri (USA); a six week specialist programme for television journalists. Journalists from Eastern and Central Europe are offered short, practical courses in Writing Business News and Writing International News. In most cases study awards cover travel, living expenses, tuition.


    Applications: Contact the correspondent at the above address.


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    Journalist and Broadcast Training at the Thomson Foundation

    Cardiff, UK

    Grants are given to journalists, broadcasters and broadcast engineers from developing countries attending Thomson Foundation courses in the UK. They cover tuition fees, accommodation and essential UK travel. Applicants should be 24 years of age or over, and have at least three years full-time experience in the media.


    Applications: Write to-

    The Director
    The Thomson Foundation
    68 Park Place, Cardiff, CF1 3AS, UK
    Phone: 01222-874873


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    Royal Town Planning Institute

    Short-term visits to the UK

    The institute administers the George Pepler International Award.  This biennial award will be made to anyone, who - at the closing date of 31st March - is under the age of 30, and who wishes to visit Britain, or being resident in Britain, wishes to visit another country for a short period (say, 3-4 weeks ) in order to study some particular aspect of town and country planning.

    The successful candidate will be awarded a sum of money (currently £1,500) which will be paid in two instalments, two-thirds being paid before the visit and the balance after the visit on submission of the report.

    The Award is not confined to members or students of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

    Each applicant is required to submit to a panel of assessors appointed by the Council of the Royal Town Planning Institute a Statement showing the nature of the study that he or she proposes to undertake, together with an itinerary and any other information that the Council may require.

    At the conclusion of the visit, the recipient of the award must submit to the Council a full report, as to the type of research undertaken and the conclusions.



    Applications which are not specific or are very broad in scope are not likely to be successful. The way in which the application is presented is important both in terms of its content and its clarity. Allowance will be made, as necessary, for candidates' lack of familiarity with the English language.

    Candidates should note that this award is not intended to provide finance for postgraduate studies or those working for a Doctorate.

    The next award will be in 2006.

    The Royal Town Planning Institute

    41 Botolph Lane

    London EC3R 8DL

    Telephone: 020 7929 9494

    Fax: 020 7929 9490

    E-mail: online@rtpi.org.uk

    Applications: Write for guidelines and an application form:

    The Secretary-General
    26 Portland Place
    London, W1N 4BE, UK
    Phone: 0171-636 9107


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    Spalding Trust Grants for Research into World Religions

    Grants are for research into world religions (usually a religion which is not that of the candidate). The trustees are particularly interested in research projects which are backed by a professional ability to raise the standard of knowledge of religious principles and practices and to interpret their relation to contemporary society. Consideration is also given to applications which are not academically orientated, if they are beneficial to inter-religious and inter-racial understanding. Traveling expenses are considered, if the project falls within the above criteria. Grants are usually (but not always) for study in the UK.

    Applications: Contact the correspondent at the following address.

    C O Kornicki, General Secretary
    Fox Farm, Wetherden, Stowmarket
    Suffolk, 1P14 3NE
    Phone: 01359 240364



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