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INTRODUCTORY: The central problem of our period—The reconciliation of science with man's beliefs centres around the question of Freedom—Unsatisfactoriness of Kant's solution felt.

  1. The positivist belief in universal and rigid determinism, especially shown in Taine. Renan's view.
  2. Cournot and Renouvier uphold Freedom—Strong logical and moral case put forward for it.
  3. The new spiritualists, Ravaisson and Lacheher, set Freedom in the forefront of their philosophy—Fouillée attempts a reconciliation by the idea of Freedom as a determining force—Guyau, Boutroux, Blondel and Bergson insist on the reality of Freedom— They surpass Cournot and Renouvier by upholding contingency —This is especially true of Guyau, Boutroux and Bergson.

Belief in creativeness and spontaneity replace the older belief in determinism.

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