Our favorite squirrel, Ratatosk, was merely content to muddle through life as a simple role-playing character, it was with great arm-twisting and plenty of hefty bribes, ``You get to be a god...´´, that he was tricked into tacking his own bit of work to the island commonly known as Archipelago.
 Unleashed upon the waking world as a rather unremarkable Bryan W. Wride, he is commonly found lurking at various universities posing as a some-time student in the great state of Michigan. No stranger to the online world, he posed under many aliases on many local BBS boards before finally finding his calling as a mudder/builder/anarchist on the great beast of the internet.
 Bryan´s name, Ratatosk, is that of the squirrel who ferries insults along the World Ash Yggdrasill. Being on a Norse mythology kick at the time, the area-in-progress also follows suit. Look for him possessing a mob near you, but bear in mind: if anything dreadful happens, it is not his fault... blame Ponder.