T E M P O R A   H E R O I C A

Credits and Copyright — “The Fine Print”

Copyright © 1996 to 2016 Tempora Heroica MUD, All Rights Reserved.

Tempora Heroica is the result of the hard work of many individuals. Code and content, web pages and areas (zones created with the MUD’s OLC), are considered work-for-hire and are owned by Tempora Heroica MUD. The MUD is volunteer-run and is not-for-profit. We do not accept any donations, other than that of time and hard-work.

Tempora Heroica is Copyright © 1996 to 2016, by David Czeck.

Archipelago is Copyright © 1993 to 1996, by Alastair Neil, Soraya Ghiasi, and Shawn Baird.

In 1996, Jan Møller created the Dynamic Mobile Language (DML) and in 1997, Daniel Griffie created On-Line Creation (OLC) created for Archipelago and Tempora Heroica respectively.

Tempora Heroica is derived from CircleMUD 2.2, developed by Jeremy Elson and Copyright © 1993 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University. CircleMud is based on DikuMUD. DikuMUD, Copyright © 1990 to 1991, by the original creators of DikuMUD: Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

The quotation from The Odyssey is by Homer. The translation is by Robert Fitzgerald and Copyright © 1998, by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

Ars Magica is a trademark of Trident Inc. The use of this trademark is without permission, and does not constitute a challenge to their ownership. For more information, see Atlas Games’ website.

All trademarks or registered trademarks used herein are the property and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law, or by expressed permission.