T E M P O R A   H E R O I C A

New Hero’s Guide

Whether you are new to mudding or simply a newcomer to Tempora Heroica, the basic information given here should help make your travels more enjoyable.

In case you need to ask for help right away, you should gossip for help. (You may want to ask for help, directions, advice, or socialize over this channel.) If you want to talk to another player’s hero without broadcasting to everyone, then you can use say or tell to communicate.

Your hero will start the MUD upstairs in the Guild Hall. In the middle of the starting room is a brass pole, which leads down to the Guild Hall’s cellar. (To reach the cellar, type ‘slide pole’.) The cellar is an area specifically designed to orientate the newcomer to Tempora Heroica.

You can move about the cellar using direction commands: (north, south, east, west, up, and down). A map is always handy in case you get lost. There are monsters, or mobs, lurking in the cellar. Your hero is encouraged to kill the vermin (spiders, mice, bats, and rats) that plague the cellar. If you get in trouble during a fight, you should flee. After your hero is successful against these foes, he or she will want to fight the puny kobalts and the bugbear pipsqueaks. Once your hero can defeat the brutish hobgoblin, he or she is considered to have completed the challenges in the Guild Hall cellar.

As you explore the cellar, you’ll likely want to do is acquaint yourself with the different information available to you about your hero. Checking your attributes will show you your stats and any spells affecting you. Your score will show you how many practices you have to spend learning magic, skills, or training in a weapon. Equipment will show your eight armor slots and the stopping and soak values of each piece. There are help files to further help you understand the armor you wear and its function.

The Guild Hall, itself, is located in the north central part of the city of Wivernhoe and houses the inn (where you can rent), the pub (where you can get fast healing), the thrift shop (where you can buy torches and beginners equipment), the little match girl, and the announcement and clan boards.

There are two exits leading out of the Hall; one leading south to Guild Street, and the other leading west onto Talmage Boulevard. North on Talmage from the Guild Hall entrance is a barrel to get a drink of water when you find yourself thirsty. When you get hungry, go south on Talmage and you will find a bakery offering inexpensive foods when you list.

Upon leaving the Guild Hall you can roam Wivernhoe and explore the many lands beyond the city walls. Remember to loot items of value from the corpse and junk the corpse. As a newbie you will receive money for each corpse junked. Be sure to count your coins so you do not become encumbered. There are three kinds of coins: pennies, groats (10 pennies to the groat), and crowns (10 groats to the crown). You will eventually want to deposit your money in the bank during the daytime. Your balance will be shown when you view your score.

Good luck and happy adventuring!