T E M P O R A   H E R O I C A

Tasks and Quests

Quests on Tempora Heroica are a way to guide your exploration of the world. They are not required, but often have rewards unobtainable outside of the quest. Quests on the MUD range from the simple to the complex.

The most basic of quests are called ‘tasks’ on Tempora Heroica. Tasks are short, simple errands usually to fetch or deliver an item. An example of a delivery task, would be to fetch a short-handled mace for the giant Lyseed.

Some tasks are repeatable and can be used to earn coins. Players often refer to these tasks as jobs. An example job would be that of rat-catcher in Wivernhoe. If your hero kills rats and mice, he or she may take their corpses to Officer Toody of Wivernhoe’s Department of Animal Control and offer them up for a bounty.

Quests on Tempora Heroica usually offer more sophistication than tasks or jobs and while they may involve elements of tasks and jobs, such as fetching items or slaying foes, they can require more puzzle-solving and more legwork. For example, you might be asked to rescue someone, help a village rid themselves of a menace, assassinate a rival leader, or solve a riddle or puzzle.

All quests are handed out by the MUD’s mobs (short for mobiles). So when playing, be always on the look-out for mobs who have something to say to you. A quest or task offering mob will give you instructions and maybe even a clue or two to help you get started. So be ready to listen carefully and respond to its questions accordingly.

Upon successful completion of a task or quest, you will be rewarded for a job well done. You could receive food, money, equipment, or even access to an area previously unavailable to you.

On Tempora Heroica, quests and tasks are not centralized in any single ‘master list’. This has allowed our world builders to easily add new quests, while letting others discover new quests through their cero’s play. Each hero begins building his or her own custom quest list by interacting with mobs. When you type quest on the MUD, you will be shown what quests you have started and whether they are open or solved.

So, should you be a newcomer to the MUD or a seasoned veteran of Tempora Heroica, there is a quest for you.