T E M P O R A   H E R O I C A

The World of Tempora Heroica

The world of Tempora Heroica is rich with well-described and detailed areas for your hero to explore. Below is a sampling of some of the areas you will find while out adventuring. To whet your appetite, a sample description from the area is given after a brief area overview. The starting place for all new heroes is Wivernhoe, so this travelogue will begin there.

In and About Wivernhoe

Wivernhoe — The City of Wyverns is built on the banks of the Rum River. Within the safely of the city’s high limestone walls, many shops and industries thrive. The streets often echo with the shouts of merchants selling their wares. In the center of the city is the ornate timber guild hall, where the tired traveler can find a place to rent and a small thrift shop. To the north of the city is a vast coniferous forest, while to the east is farmland and hills home to many halfling farmers.

Wivernhoe’s Great Assembly Hall

A delicate wisp of gray smoke rises up from a long, open fire pit in the middle of this huge chamber and climbs up through the high timber rafters until escaping through an opening in the ceiling. The Great Assembly Hall is used by the craftspeople of Wivernhoe as a place to meet and discuss issues of concern. Three rows of wooden benches, each over fifty feet long, run the entire length of the northern and southern sides of the hall. At both the western and eastern ends of the hall, there are wide, towering portals, each supported by a massive timber post and a heavy crossbeam.
Exits: North, East, South, West.

Wivernhoe’s Sewers — Beneath the busy streets of Wivernhoe are the seemingly endless tunnels and pipes of the city’s sewer system. Strange beasts lurk in the foul, brackish waters of the sewer waiting for their next meal.

In the Sewers

As the sewer nears an intersection to the north, the amount of debris not only increases in number but changes in material as well. Elsewhere in the sewers, the debris consists mainly of organic plant-based material, such as limbs of trees, rotting bunches of leaves, and patches of lichens and molds. However, near the junction to the north, a distinct number of bones and corpses in various stages of decay accompany the usual debris.
Exits: North, South.

A muckopod oozes along toward its next meal.

West of Wivernhoe

The Mines of Rokirk — These mines, while once active and profitable, are now strangely vacant. As one starts to descend down into the mines, one only encounters bats, beetles and rats. What lies deeper in the mine is a mystery. The only clue are odd noises coming from the depths of the mines.

The Mines of Rokirk

A thin layer of rock dust covers the smooth, flat floor of the tunnel, devoid of footprints or any other sign of life. A few holes have been drilled into the wall at variable intervals, and in each one a short stub of a torch remains, having burnt all the way down. The tunnel extends north and south into darkness.
Exits: North, South.

A large bat flutters its wings while hanging from the ceiling.
Three dark bats swoop past you, looking for fresh blood.

Liefbaum — This walled town is under constant threat of attack from hoards of gnolls and bugbears that have lairs nearby. However, many still risk the journey to Liefbaum because it is the home of a great brewery. The Liefbaum Brewery is better known for the brownies that sneak in at night to sample the beer than it is for the beer itself.

The Hummingbird Tavern

This busy little tavern seems to be the life of the town. Pictures of all sorts line the walls, most of them clustered behind a long wooden bar that runs east and west along the southern wall. A set of creaky old stairs lead up to the inn where road-weary travelers can find a place to spend the night. The walls are all painted white but have been dulled and tarnished by years of cigar smoke and other impurities. It's magically bright here.
Exits: North, East, Up.

A short, heavy-set man waits behind the bar for someone to order a drink.

Howling Woods — Dense mists swirl around this forest darkened by the warped and twisted trees. Many evil creatures lurk these woods and often mischievously play tricks on travelers. Many trails lead through the woods, some through dark mountain tunnels or high mountain passes, other paths lead deeper into the forest itself.

A Circle of Trees in the Howling Woods

A large ring of black twisting trees grow tightly together leaving little room for passage into the woods. In the middle of the ring lies a large stump; little is known of its purpose. The grass has been cleared away here, and dark brown soil remains in its place. Overhead, the dark deep sky seems to hover over the leafy treetops. The sounds of many hungry forest animals are heard howling through the crisp cool air.
Exits: East.

Six dark furry bogle goblins are dancing merrily around the stump.
A faerie fiddler stands upon a stump, playing enchanted melodies.

Northmarch — Lurking beneath this strange, primal forest are the cunning satyrs ruled by their noble warrior-king Rig Miminng. For many years, the satyrs have reigned supreme in the lands north of Lamman and were instrumental in that city’s downfall. With the treasure looted from their many raids, the satyrs have build and decorated a large temple in this dark forest.

The Temple’s Gathering Hall

Drawings, carvings, statues, and other artistic impressions of all of the satyrs' various familiars and spirit guardians adorn every wall in this large room. Dozens of simple wooden benches line each side of a narrow aisle through the room, leading to an elevated platform in the middle of the northern end of the room. Behind the platform is a small, simple wooden door. The aroma of cedar and incense lingers in the room even though none is being burnt at the moment.
Exits: North, (East), South, West.

A small marmoset with jet black fur stands here, grinning.
Two hooded satyr monks sit patiently, their heads bowed in prayer.

Skrymir’s Tower — The home to this world-famous giant houses himself and his staff quite comfortably. Now retired, Skrymir enjoys all the wealth and treasure he accumulated during his years of adventure. The tower itself is surrounded but a moat in which lives a hideous eel-like guard.

The Grand Foyer

Since the grey rock throughout the tower was so unbelievably boring, Skrymir put up colorful tapestries to brighten up his home. Blue and green tapestries accented with gold show the elements of the world: fire, water, earth, and air. A tabriz-style crimson carpet covers the grey floor, enriching the room and making the room look more expensive. Three archways lead north, east, and south to different sections of the ground floor. The enormous double doors lead out across the moat to the front lawn.
Exits: North, East, (South), West.

Two tall white guard dogs sniff each other.
A husky gnome watches over the dogs here.

Lamman Ruins — A once great city, now lying in ruins having being sacked by hoards of satyrs and hobgoblins. The satyrs have gone home to Northmarch, but the hobgoblins have remained and begun to fortify the town.

The Remnants of Harbour Road

A green blanket of wild weeds grows between the flagstones. The southern winds carry misty seawater that falls to the ground, leaving the tender grass slick and dewy. A large plaza borders the road to the north and to the south is a small, desolate shop.
Exits: North, East, South, West.

East of Wivernhoe

Googleplex — Googles are a group of short, barbaric humanoids that typically live in hilly areas and build large underground dens called googleplexes. The largest googleplex is located east of Wivernhoe, near Morgen’s Hill.

Google Pit

Half-gnawed bones and dry blood splatters cover the dusty floor. Smooth curving walls rise high overhead leaving a treacherous climb for anything trying to escape to the open air. The stillness is broken by the sounds of scurrying and distant conversation in an unknown tongue. Fresh dirt and chunks of hardened clay cover the floor, remnants from a newly-dug tunnel to the west.
Exits: East, West, Up.

Two google huntsmen fiendishly hash out brutal battle tactics.

Puddlesby — Without much in terms of commerce, Puddlesby has been and will probably always be a small, quiet community of friendly people and useful shops.

Puddlesby Square

This small square often serves as a meeting place for the villagers of Puddlesby. It is completely paved with cobblestones and a small water pump sits in the center of the square providing ready water for both folk and beast, and a map is posted nearby. Sitting on the square's north side is a stout wattle-and-daub building with the carved likeness of a dragon hanging above its doorway. On the south side of the square is a most unusual red brick shop. Shimmering blue banners hang down the shop's front and the smoky stench of brimstone drifts across the square from within. The edge of the village is just west of the square, and to the east a row of stone cottages can be seen.
Exits: (North), East, (South), West.

An iron water pump and wooden trough supplies water to the area.
A white puddle duck waddles here, looking for food.

Gromm Munj — A mighty fortress and home to the many trolls of the land. Here trolls and many others live and train to become berserkers.

Ljigo's Riverside Armory

The hut is made of an aromatic pine wood that gives it a positive aura of security. The assortment of armor and minor but important warrior accessories is large and fits the relaxed, sheltered atmosphere in the hut. A warrior equipped with a small fraction of the items of display here would feel incredibly secure: there are armors for all parts of the body, bracers, vicious-looking teeth and masks. Standing between the entrance and these mouth-watering items is a long counter that stretches from wall to wall which gives customers the opportunity to closely examine items placed on it whilst barring access to the shop's display.
Exits: West.

A trembling troll is waiting to sell you some good armor.

Broness — This small elven community can be found east-northeast of Wivernhoe at the far end of Wivernhoe Highway where it intersects Erymn Road. The elves of Broness are widely known for their work on bronze materials, and for their collections of music instruments, art, and history.

The Broness Museum of Art and History

Appropriately, the Broness Museum is the pride of the town. Few other places in the known world have accumulated this much information about the history of the world, and nowhere else can such an eclectic assortment of artistic works be found. The tall, off-white painted walls are literally covered with portraits, paintings, and murals, and all about the room stand sculptures and other artistic creations, neatly arranged so that a sort of a trail weaves its way through the works of art, serving as its own tour guide. The floor is smooth, white marble, and the high arched ceiling is, oddly enough, the only colorless feature in this entire building.
Exits: South, West.

Fort Thundertree — Fort Thundertree is home to a community of proud giants who have taken an extreme dislike to anyone shorter than they are. If your hero is tall, the fort offers lodging, weapons and armor for those having a few crowns in their pockets.

Entrance to the Fort

Fort Thundertree is a recently-completed structure. The scent of freshly cut lumber still fills the air in this gargantuan building. The joists are over twenty feet above the floor and the high point of the roof, just over the doorway is half again as high. A main hallway leads quite a distance westward. There are milling guards to the south and a smelly workplace to the north. A towering double door set in the eastern wall leads out of the fort.
Exits: North, (East), South, West.

North of Wivernhoe

Arridyn Village — What was once a pair of twin villages hidden deep within the mountain valley, Arridyn has lost half of its territory to an invasion of witches who invited a horde of orcs to guard their newly conquered territory. What is left of the town is a central square and a few shabby shops, populated by a score or so elves faithful to their hometown.

Inside a small hut in Arridyn Village

An odd smell fills the hut, a mixture of anise and vanilla. The scent seems to originate from a big bowl over the fireplace. Glass jars fill the shelves on the walls, some are empty but most contain mysterious fluids of different colors. A large table stands in the center of the room and is covered with books, bags of powder, and a few half-empty jars like the ones on the shelves.
Exits: (South).

An old witch with an insane glint in her eyes slowly goes about her work.

Calon Du — This cold northern city serves as a trading outpost for fur traders, as well as an outpost to protect the frontier from invasion. Rumors of foul play have emerged from that region of late, but the Baron insists it is a safe and friendly town, and welcomes visitors with open arms. A ruined village lies just south of Calon Du, and rumors of evil hauntings circulate though the populace.

Back room of Brin Aros Inn

The musty smell of old smoking gini root fills this room with a pungent odor. The haunt of old gamblers and drinkers it seems to have a welcoming feel to it like a den of rogues. Its comfortable dark recesses don't threaten but offer rest and sanctuary. This is a famous gathering spot for adventurers.
Exits: (South), West, Up.

A drunken mercenary is lying here.

South of Wivernhoe

Arg Island — This large island south the mainland is a popular destination for adventurers when things grow a bit hot in Wivernhoe. The island is also a nexus point for sailing and exploring other islands. Also on the island is a small forest, the dangerous moor, and the fishery are of interest. A short swim across a narrow strait will bring the hearty explorer in to the lost island of Paeldair.

In the forest of Arg

Trees of almost every variety surround you in all directions. There are oaks, chestnuts, beeches, poplars and many others. Most are tall and majestic but quite a few are gnarled and twisted with age. The trees are spaced far enough apart from one another to allow the sunlight to reach down to the forest floor which is covered in deep green grass and tall leafy ferns that sway gently in the breeze. There is an abundance of forest life here. In the distance you can see rabbits and deer and every so often you hear the sounds of a wild boar crashing through the undergrowth.
Exits: North, East, South, West.

An enormous red stag stands nearby watching you defiantly.

Crescent Bay — This cozy selkie pearl diving community is the gateway to the southern continent. Travelers to this distant land can sample sake and exotic seafoods and visit many ancient and mysterious wonders. Traders and merchants ships brave pirates and shark-infested seas to make the voyage south from Arg Island to Crescent Bay.

Okuno’s Pearl Plantation

Thirty years of hard work and perseverance has given Kaza Okuno the most well-known and envied pearl plantation in the known lands. Unique and intricate and infamous for its beautiful iridescent colors, Kaza's pearls are always in high demand. This same demand has enabled Kaza to expand his business from a small family operation to one requiring dozens of farm hands, many of them human and selkie. Short and squat like the ticket office, this main office is where many of the pearl orders are received and processed. Unlike the harbor building, this one is cleverly decorated with designed inlays of crushed, iridescent, black shells. One such design is apparent on desks and walls of the office.
Exits: North, East, West.

Kaza Okuno meticulously surveys the work in his farm.
A selkie of old age is here counting an inventory of pearls.