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Editorial Policy

Annali d’Italianistica seeks to promote the study of Italian literature in its cultural context, to foster scholarly excellence, and to select topics of interest to a large number of Italianists. Monographic in nature, the journal is receptive to a variety of topics, critical approaches, and theoretical perspectives. Each year’s topic is announced ahead of time, and contributions are welcome. The journal is issued in the fall of each year. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as attachments in Word. Authors should follow the MLA style for articles in English; articles in Italian should conform to the AdI stylesheet. For inquiries, please email Or write to Annali d'italianistica / c/o Dr. Brandon Essary / Elon University / 2125 Campus Box / Elon, NC 27244.

Notes & Reviews

This section occasionally publishes essays and review articles on topics treated in one of the previous volumes of Annali d’Italianistica.

Italian Bookshelf

Italian Bookshelf is edited by Dino S. Cervigni and Anne Tordi. The purpose of Italian Bookshelf is to identify, review, and bring to the attention of Italianists recent studies on Italian literature and culture. Italian Bookshelf covers the entire history of Italian literature and reviews books exclusively on the basis of their scholarly worth. To this purpose, junior and senior colleagues will be invited to collaborate without any consideration to academic affiliation and with an open attitude toward critical approaches. Contributions to this section are solicited. Scholars who intend to contribute are encouraged to contact the editors. Book reviews, to be submitted electronically, should be sent to the Editor. For inquiries, please email Or write to Annali d'italianistica / c/o Dr. Brandon Essary / Elon University / 2125 Campus Box / Elon, NC 27244.

The Journal’s Website

The tables of contents of all issues are available online. As of volume 16 (1998), each issue’s introductory essay and all book reviews are available online with their full texts. As of the 2008 issue, book reviews are published exclusively online.