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Subscriptions and Back Issues

Volumes 1-21 available online for free consultation:

Volumes Sold Out:

  • 1 (1983), Pulci and Boiardo
  • 2 (1984), Guicciardini
  • 3 (1985), Manzoni
  • 4 (1986), Autobiography
  • 5 (1987), D'Annunzio
  • 6 (1988), Film and Literature
  • 7 (1989), Women's Voices in Italian Literature
  • 8 (1990), Dante and Modern American Criticism
  • 9 (1991), The Modern and the Postmodern
  • 10 (1992), Images of America & Columbus in Italian Literature
  • 11 (1993), Goldoni 1993
  • 12 (1994), The Italian Epic and Its International Context
  • 13 (1995), Italian Women Mystics
  • 14 (1996), Travel Literature
  • 15 (1997), Anthropology and Italian Literature
  • 16 (1998), Italian Cultural Studies
  • 17 (1999), New Landscapes in Contemporary Italian Cinema
  • 18 (2000), Beginnings/Endings/Beginnings
  • 19 (2001), Literature, Criticism, and Ethics
  • 20 (2002), Exile Literature
  • 21 (2003), Hodoeporics
  • 22 (2004), Petrarch and the European Lyric Tradition
  • 23 (2005), Literature and Science
  • 24 (2006), Negotiating Regional, National, and Global Identities, Guest Editor, Norma Bouchard
  • 25 (2007), Literature, Religion, and the Sacred
  • 26 (2008), Humanisms, Posthumanisms, Neohumanisms
  • 27 (2009), A Century of Futurism: 1909-2009
  • 28 (2010), Capital City: Rome 1870-2010
  • 29 (2011), Italian Critical Theory
  • 30 (2012), Cinema Italiano Contemperaneo
  • 31 (2013), Boccacio's Decameron. Rewriting the Christian Middle Ages
  • 32 (2014), From Otium and Occupatio to Work and Labor in Italian Culture

Volumes Available:

  • 33 (2015), The Great War and the Modernist Imagination in Italy
  • 34 (2016), Speaking Truth to Power from Medieval to Modern Italy
  • 35 (2017), Violence Resistance Tolerance Sacrifice
  • 36 (2018), The New Italy and the Jews from Massimo D'Azeglio to Primo Levi
  • 37 (2019), Urban Space and the Body

Subscriptions in North America


  • Print copy: USA $40; Print copy & digital copy: $50; Digital copy only: $40; Back issue: $50


  • Print copy: $100; Back issue: $80


  • Print copy: $90; Back issue: $75

Subscriptions outside North America


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Publication and shipping date: December of every year.

If your university does not subscribe, please send the above information to the library with your request to subscribe. Please send your own subscription, payable to Annali d'Italianistica, to: Annali d'italianistica, c/o Dr. Brandon Essary, Elon University, Dept of World Lanugages and Cultures, Carlton Building 328 / 2125 Campus Box, Elon, NC 27244