Source Code

These source-code files were derived originally from the scan from MIT's Dibner Institute's now-discontinued website titled "History of Recent Science and Technology". It is believed that the original listing was preserved by AGC developer Don Eyles, copied/reduced by AGC developer Hugh Blair-Smith, passed by AGC developer James Kernan to collector David Craig, scanned by Gary Neff, and then passed to the Dibner Institute where unfortunately the high-quality scans were reduced in legibility as part of the online-presentation process, and the original scans discarded. The source code was transcribed from those images by Ron Burkey. The images from the Dibner Institute website, and unfortunately not the discarded original high-quality scans, though with a few high-quality replacement scans provided directly by Gary Neff, are now available at the Virtual AGC project website. Report any conversion errors to Notations on the program listing read, in part:

	17:53 DEC. 19, 1969
Note that the date is the date of the printout, not the date of the program revision.

045520,000002:                                                                                                  ## Copyright:   Public domain.
045521,000003:                                                                                                  ## Filename:    INTERPRETIVE_CONSTANT.agc
045522,000004:                                                                                                  ## Purpose:     A section of Luminary 1C, revision 131.
045523,000005:                                                                                                  ##              It is part of the source code for the Lunar Module's (LM)
045524,000006:                                                                                                  ##              Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) for Apollo 13 and Apollo 14.
045525,000007:                                                                                                  ##              This file is intended to be a faithful transcription, except
045526,000008:                                                                                                  ##              that the code format has been changed to conform to the
045527,000009:                                                                                                  ##              requirements of the yaYUL assembler rather than the
045528,000010:                                                                                                  ##              original YUL assembler.
045529,000011:                                                                                                  ## Reference:   pp. 1099-1100 of 1729.pdf.
045530,000012:                                                                                                  ## Contact:     Ron Burkey <>.
045531,000013:                                                                                                  ## Website:
045532,000014:                                                                                                  ## Mod history: 05/31/03 RSB.   Began transcribing.
045533,000015:                                                                                                  ##              05/14/05 RSB    Corrected website reference above

Page 1099

045536,000018: 23,2000                                           SETLOC   INTPRET1                              
045537,000019: 23,2000                                           BANK                                           
045539,000021: 23,2513                                           COUNT*   $$/ICONS                              
045540,000022: 23,2513           10000 00000  DP1/4TH            2DEC     .25                                   
045541,000023: 23,2515           00000 00000  UNITZ              2DEC     0          B-28                       
045542,000024: 23,2517           00000 00000  UNITY              2DEC     0          B-28                       
045543,000025: 23,2521           20000 00000  UNITX              2DEC     .5                                    
045544,000026: 23,2523           00000 00000  ZEROVECS           2DEC     0          B-28                       
045545,000027: 23,2525           00000 00000                     2DEC     0          B-28                       
045546,000028: 23,2527           00000 00000                     2DEC     0          B-28                       
045548,000030: 23,2531  23,2521               DPHALF             =        UNITX                                 
045549,000031: 23,2531           37777        DPPOSMAX           OCT      37777                                 
045550,000032: 23,2532           37777                           OCT      37777                                 

Page 1100

045553,000035:                                                                                                  #  INTERPRETIVE CONSTANTS IN THE OTHER HALF-MEMORY
045555,000037: 12,2000                                           SETLOC   INTPRET2                              
045556,000038: 12,2000                                           BANK                                           
045558,000040: 12,2000                                           COUNT*   $$/ICONS                              
045559,000041: 12,2000           00000 00000  ZUNIT              2DEC     0          B-28                       
045560,000042: 12,2002           00000 00000  YUNIT              2DEC     0          B-28                       
045561,000043: 12,2004           20000 00000  XUNIT              2DEC     .5                                    
045562,000044: 12,2006           00000 00000  ZEROVEC            2DEC     0          B-28                       
045563,000045: 12,2010           00000 00000                     2DEC     0          B-28                       
045564,000046: 12,2012           00000 00000                     2DEC     0          B-28                       
045566,000048: 12,2014           77777                           OCT      77777                                 #  -0, -6, -12 MUST REMAIN IN THIS ORDER
045567,000049: 12,2015           77771        DFC-6              DEC      -6         B-14                       
045568,000050: 12,2016           77763        DFC-12             DEC      -12        B-14                       
045569,000051: 12,2017           37777 37777  LODPMAX            2OCT     3777737777                            #  THESE TWO CONSTANTS MUS REMAIN
045570,000052: 12,2021           37777 37777  LODPMAX1           2OCT     3777737777                            #  ADJACENT AND THE SAME FOR INTEGRATION
045572,000054: 12,2023  12,2006               ZERODP             =        ZEROVEC                               
045573,000055: 12,2023  12,2004               HALFDP             =        XUNIT                                 

End of include-file INTERPRETIVE_CONSTANT.agc.  Parent file is MAIN.agc