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Fwd: GSU Standards (LDS)

Don't know of any published articles, but I do know that Genealogical
Society of Utah's preservation microfilming standards are very high. We
have been very pleased with all of the work they have done microfilming
Arizona's records. They have strict guidelines and inspect each roll of
film. I talked to our micrographics supervisor, who sent me the following
information about the Utah Genealogical Society standards. This attachment
is a word document.

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 11:59:20 -0700
From: Bill JAMES <bjames@dlapr.lib.az.us>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win98; I)
X-Accept-Language: en
To: Melanie Sturgeon <msturgeo@dlapr.lib.az.us>
Subject: GSU Standards

This is a World 97 document.

Bill James
Preservation Imaging
Records Management Division
Department of Library, Archives And Public Records
1919 W. Jefferson
Phoenix, AZ 85009
602-542-3890 fax

Attachment: GSU Standards.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Melanie I. Sturgeon
Deputy State Archivist
History and Archives Division
Department of Library Archives and Public Records
phone 602-542-4159
fax: 602-542-4402