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Personal vendettas?

Bill and Art:
I suppose you both have personal e-mail adresses. I strongly
recommend that you use those, instead of spreading your
highly uninteresting disagreements all over the world....
/ "Yet another reciever of junk-mail"

I am sorry that my initial response to the type of mispunch which this
technologically-challenged chap commits all the time created such a ruckus.  I
should have just assumed it was a wrong address and used the delete key.

It just followed a morning where it's too cold, I slipped and fell on the ice on
the way to work, my supervisor wants to "break my kneecaps" because of a project
I inadvertantly got her involved in and my cat Beryl threw up on my
newly-polished Oxfords.

My apologies again.

Art "fantasizing about golf in Tahiti" Dostie

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Subject:    OOPS
Author: bohumil@JUNO.COM
Date:       2/2/2000 12:05 PM

Mea Culpa-  Hit the wrong address.  (But it was humorous, even if
