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James Madison Project Unveils New Web site

Title: James Madison Project Unveils New Web site
The James Madison Project
1275 K Street, N.W.
Suite 770
Washington, D.C. 20005

(202) 785-3801                                             E-Mail:
(202) 371-6643 fax                              

February 14, 2000                                   Mark S. Zaid, Esq.,
Executive Director
        (202) 371-6626


    The James Madison Project (JMP) announced today its latest effort to
promote its objectives of reducing secrecy, promoting government
accountability and educating the public on issues of national security and
intelligence by unveiling its official Website at

    Established in 1998, JMP, a Washington, D.C. non-profit organization, has
created a name for itself through its educational work on analyzing,
critiquing and monitoring the Department of Defense's Anthrax Vaccination
Immunization Program and the use of polygraph examinations by federal
agencies for pre-employment screening. Its activities has been mentioned in,
among others, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, St. Petersburg
Tribune, San Diego Union Tribune, European Stars & Stripes, Christian Science
Monitor, U.S. News and World Report, Mother Jones, Salon Magazine and
National Public Radio.
    ?We are very excited about the benefits a Website can contribute to our
activities and efforts. It will certainly help raise needed public awareness
on controversial topics that affect many Americans,? said Mark S. Zaid, JMP?s
Executive Director. Zaid added that the Website will include updates on JMP?s
activities, copies of important documents, news articles, litigation files
and archived press releases, as well as links to a wealth of information
relating to JMP?s interests.

    JMP?s future planned actitivites include sponsoring a conference on
secrecy issues, limiting the United States military?s immunity from civil
lawsuits, amending the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts and
establishing a publishing arm for reports on issues involving the reduction
of secrecy, government accountability, intelligence and national security.
Progress updates on these and other activities will be periodically posted on
the Website.

    ?We welcome and encourage the public?s comments on our Website, as well
as any suggestions for future JMP activities,? said Executive Director Mark
S. Zaid. The Website can be directly accessed by double-clicking <A
HREF="" COLOR="#0000FF">http://www.jamesmadisonproject.org">The James Madison Project</A>.

    JMP is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization with the primary
purpose of educating the public on issues relating to intelligence gathering
and operations, secrecy policies, national security and government
