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Hotel Greeters--thanks

I'd like to thank all the list members who sent me suggestions and
information in response to my question on the term "Hotel Greeter."
There were many helpful responses, and though I tried to thank
everyone individually, I may have missed a couple.  One person contacted
Cornell U. to pursue my questions.  I am very grateful that people took
time to help.

For those who are interested, the term "Hotel Greeter" appears to have
been rather loosely defined.  In the 1930s and 40s (I am still vague
about the time) the Association of Hotel Greeters was open to any
hotel employee whose work involved meeting the public--most were in
management, I think. We've identified our "hotel lady" as a manager
and comptroller-- just in time to include her in a small exhibit
going up this month.

Thanks again & have a great weekend!
Joy Kingsolver
Chicago Jewish Archives

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