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Museums and archives

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\uc1\pard\lang2057\ulnone\f0\fs20 RE the thread concerning archives and museums etc, the following message posted on the UK archives-nra listserv may be of interest.\par
Gary Collins\par
Unilever plc\par
\pard "Archives in Museums Information Sheets\par
The Standing Conference on Archives & Museums (SCAM) has launched a set\par
of four advisory leaflets about managing and preserving archives.  The\par
leaflets have been written to provide basic advice and information to\par
museums and to alert them to the special needs of archives.  The four\par
titles in the series are:\par
1.\tab Collections Policy and Management\par
2.\tab Archival Listing and Arrangement\par
3.\tab Archive Preservation and Conservation\par
4.\tab Access to Archives\par
Copies are being distributed to all of the Registered museums in the UK\par
through the network of Area Museum Councils.  The leaflets were funded\par
through a grant from the Museums & Galleries Commission (MGC).  Copies\par
are available, free of charge, from Peter Winsor at the MGC.  Please\par
send requests by email to p.winsor@mgcuk.co.uk.\par
The Standing Conference on Archives & Museums (SCAM) was established in\par
1989 with the approval of the Councils of the Association of Independent\par
Museums, the Museums Association and the Society of Archivists.  SCAM\par
sees its work, building bridges between archivists and museum curators,\par
as particularly important at a time when the emphasis is on increasing\par
co-operation between professions.  For more information on the work of\par
SCAM contact Rob Shorland-Ball (Chair) email: robsb@wfmyork.demon.co.uk\par
or Heather Needham (Secretary) email:\par
Peter Winsor\par
Conservation Adviser, MGC\par
David Dawson\par
Museums New Technology Adviser, Museums and Galleries Commission\par
tel: 0171 233 4200, email d.dawson@mgcuk.co.uk\par
Visit our website at www.museums.gov.uk"\par