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Re: Query

Thanks for looking out for me.  I will "sign on"


>>> Joy Weiner <JWe175@AOL.COM> 03/07 10:21 PM >>>
I am looking for factual information on Jean Pierre Blanchard's (born ca.
1740 in
Normandy, France), first hot air balloon flight in Philadelphia, 1793; this
I believe, the first air voyage in the United States.

Blanchard was well-known for his hot air ballon exploits.  One of his
expeditions included taking Dr. John Jeffries (ca.1786), an American doctor
across the English Channel; this voyage was referred to as "the eighth wonder
of the world."

I should add that I have contacted the Philadelphia Historical Society and I
am waiting to hear from them.  However, if any of my colleagues can provide
information or suggest archives that might have material on Blanchard, I would
very much appreciate hearing from you.

Please reply to my email address: jwe175@aol.com.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
Joy Weiner

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